i'm using the trinity lab now. yup, the mac lab i dislike so much has become my source of news, email and facebook. so to everyone to whom i owe emails, my sincerest apologies. esp. to meanne! i'm really sorry i cannot webcam you for your birthday! you have a really irresponsible sister. i know... but anyway, i'll try to go around and beg for mb. probably from chermaine.
exam timetable is out! every paper is 3 hours long except for psych. how crappy is that mann? VERY.
going for a sweeney todd concert now, by the uni students. it should be good.
21 May 2008
17 May 2008
sophia's and wine
went to sophia's with kaii's parents, kaii, chermy & amanda. ate a fair bit. i like their risotto and their gelati. its the hugest thing ever, the gelati. all 4 of us shared it. i will upload the picture soon.
today remphasised the fact that i have a bloody low tolerance level of alcohol. auntie christina got us a bottle of chardonnay and i drank 2 glasses and turned a bit red followed by a headache.
went to sophia's with kaii's parents, kaii, chermy & amanda. ate a fair bit. i like their risotto and their gelati. its the hugest thing ever, the gelati. all 4 of us shared it. i will upload the picture soon.
today remphasised the fact that i have a bloody low tolerance level of alcohol. auntie christina got us a bottle of chardonnay and i drank 2 glasses and turned a bit red followed by a headache.
15 May 2008
shoes and gazillionaire list
I'm in the school computer lab now, its a mac lab and i am a mac-retard. so, i'm not too comfortable with the lack of a right click button. AHHH. i give up.
ah. back on my laptop now. comfort.
my ballet slippers! <3.>
the guys have come up with a totem pole. its the frog-god of athena. aka otick and otack. its to discriminate against all non-athenians, who are not rational in thought[this is a hoi thing]. it keeps moving from door to door so watch out! but seriously, its just a stick that splits into 2 prongs and a toy frog is tied to each prong.
-super duper uber high speed internet
-laptops in different colours so i can pick which one matches my shoes that day
-lots of shoes. LOTS. i'd rather spend on shoes than any other clothing/accessory
-pretty credit/debit cards. like there's a black one and there's the classic silver ones.heheh.
-borders, paperchase, kino and nice bookstores/stationery stores
-a dance & theatre troupe. i always have great respect for these people who do what they love. i like musicals/ballet/__ on ice, i've seen at least one every year. the last one i watched was swan lake on ice with claire last year. it was a post prelims thingy. we forked out our own money and they converted the esplanade stage into a temporary ice skating rink. it was really worth it. i think aus has a wider range of muscials and ballets than singapore. i shall keep an eye out.
-willy wonka's factory. once charlotte has located him, i shall make a deal with him to allow me to co-own his factory with charlie. if not, i guess i'll have to settle for godiva, cadbury, starburst, tictac, ben and jerry's and häagen-dazs. sigh.
-a school starting from kindergarten till university. don't ask...
-a personal assistant. must be able to do a wide variety of stuff including shopping, remembering people's names and birthdays for me.
to actually get these, i should stop writing the list and start working on actually becoming a gazillionaire. do accounting essay.
ah. back on my laptop now. comfort.
i bought my ballet shoes today! :D happy happy! me and krystle went to southbank[near flinder's] to bloch and got our ballet shoes. VERY pretty stuff there. when i become a gazillionaire, i want to buy the whole of bloch. they sell everything ballet related.
-super duper uber high speed internet
-laptops in different colours so i can pick which one matches my shoes that day
-lots of shoes. LOTS. i'd rather spend on shoes than any other clothing/accessory
-pretty credit/debit cards. like there's a black one and there's the classic silver ones.heheh.
-borders, paperchase, kino and nice bookstores/stationery stores
-a dance & theatre troupe. i always have great respect for these people who do what they love. i like musicals/ballet/__ on ice, i've seen at least one every year. the last one i watched was swan lake on ice with claire last year. it was a post prelims thingy. we forked out our own money and they converted the esplanade stage into a temporary ice skating rink. it was really worth it. i think aus has a wider range of muscials and ballets than singapore. i shall keep an eye out.
-willy wonka's factory. once charlotte has located him, i shall make a deal with him to allow me to co-own his factory with charlie. if not, i guess i'll have to settle for godiva, cadbury, starburst, tictac, ben and jerry's and häagen-dazs. sigh.
-a school starting from kindergarten till university. don't ask...
-a personal assistant. must be able to do a wide variety of stuff including shopping, remembering people's names and birthdays for me.
to actually get these, i should stop writing the list and start working on actually becoming a gazillionaire. do accounting essay.
14 May 2008
wednesdays and eap
every wednesday, i'm relieved cause my timtable slows down. i have no more full days! yayness mann... today eap was fun cause we were acting retarded. and we were eating rebecca's fish and chips from her lunch. i told joanna that if every eap class was as retarded as this one, i wouldn't mind the boring subject so much. i think everyone was too bored to be good today.
i just finished reading the online straits times cause i find the newspapers here [The Age]have very little world coverage, like 4 pages? i wish online ST had the cartoons too! heheh. but the good thing about The Age is that 2 of my favourite cartoons appear daily whereas in ST it appears only on sunday: zits and wizard of id. anyway, i read that you can start applying for the NDP tickets on the 16th of May. so i went to the website to see what it would be like and i found this
its an online game and the prize is a samsung handphone. you can only start playing with it on the 19th of may though... quite cool. if anyone wins the handphone and read about the contest from here, don't forget to thank me ok?
ah. i wonder what we'll do for national day here. i guess the 5 of us singaporeans staying at albert house will gather round and start singing 'this is home.... truly... where i know i must be....' i was never really patriotic though. but i do like the fireworks at NDP. i wonder if they have coverage of NDP here.
i remember gb was asking for girls to join the NDP contingent when i was sec 2. i wanted to go but i heard it was really time consuming. 3 times a week practice, just to learn how to stand there and stone for half an hour until the president comes. as if we don't know how to do that. we do it everyday in school, stoning until the teacher dismisses us. ty went for it though. apparently, everyone wanted to take photo with her 6 year badge cause mg is the only school with a full company, ie. primary and secondary are together. therefore, only we can obtain 6 year badges as students. i want the 9 year badge! sob. oh well.
i just finished reading the online straits times cause i find the newspapers here [The Age]have very little world coverage, like 4 pages? i wish online ST had the cartoons too! heheh. but the good thing about The Age is that 2 of my favourite cartoons appear daily whereas in ST it appears only on sunday: zits and wizard of id. anyway, i read that you can start applying for the NDP tickets on the 16th of May. so i went to the website to see what it would be like and i found this
its an online game and the prize is a samsung handphone. you can only start playing with it on the 19th of may though... quite cool. if anyone wins the handphone and read about the contest from here, don't forget to thank me ok?
ah. i wonder what we'll do for national day here. i guess the 5 of us singaporeans staying at albert house will gather round and start singing 'this is home.... truly... where i know i must be....' i was never really patriotic though. but i do like the fireworks at NDP. i wonder if they have coverage of NDP here.
i remember gb was asking for girls to join the NDP contingent when i was sec 2. i wanted to go but i heard it was really time consuming. 3 times a week practice, just to learn how to stand there and stone for half an hour until the president comes. as if we don't know how to do that. we do it everyday in school, stoning until the teacher dismisses us. ty went for it though. apparently, everyone wanted to take photo with her 6 year badge cause mg is the only school with a full company, ie. primary and secondary are together. therefore, only we can obtain 6 year badges as students. i want the 9 year badge! sob. oh well.
news travels slowly here so here are my uber belated congratulations:
to manda, sam, bernadette and to all the other mg girls who ran for ac council and got in: i'm really happy for you guys. may you monopolise the council exco! heheh.
to anne: congrats on being a moe pre-u scholar. heard that its really difficult to get it so yeah, kudos to you.
to the 7jam: congrats on finishing your midyears! go play mann! haha. but yeah, don't forget me!
ah. also to the albert house people:
amanda[amah]: congrats on the very nice performance at autumn festival. so nice that in fact, you got a hug from your husband. ONSTAGE no less. and a broccoli from your illegitimate son.
yiwen and tiffy: congrats on your playing at autumn festival! its was really nice.
kendrick: congrats for managing to inccur a fine of A$150 for hopping tram to lessons[going onto the tram without a ticket]. and congrats for having the guts to immediately hop tram on the way back from lessons. sigh. never learn...
to myself: congrats on staying alive.
to manda, sam, bernadette and to all the other mg girls who ran for ac council and got in: i'm really happy for you guys. may you monopolise the council exco! heheh.
to anne: congrats on being a moe pre-u scholar. heard that its really difficult to get it so yeah, kudos to you.
to the 7jam: congrats on finishing your midyears! go play mann! haha. but yeah, don't forget me!
ah. also to the albert house people:
amanda[amah]: congrats on the very nice performance at autumn festival. so nice that in fact, you got a hug from your husband. ONSTAGE no less. and a broccoli from your illegitimate son.
yiwen and tiffy: congrats on your playing at autumn festival! its was really nice.
kendrick: congrats for managing to inccur a fine of A$150 for hopping tram to lessons[going onto the tram without a ticket]. and congrats for having the guts to immediately hop tram on the way back from lessons. sigh. never learn...
to myself: congrats on staying alive.
rachel! and lessons learnt from the ark
RACHEL! you ass. you didn't tell me until now. you absolute toothead. ah nevermind. me being the wonderful compassionate cousin that i am will forgive you without your asking. i'm just an email away!
but anyway, ignore that if you're name is not rachel joan ng.
i found this email that i thought was really nice.

but anyway, ignore that if you're name is not rachel joan ng.
i found this email that i thought was really nice.
Noah's Ark
ONE: Don't miss the boat.
TWO: Remember that we are all in the same boat.
THREE: Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark.
FOUR: Stay fit. When you're 60 years old, someone may ask you to do something really big.
FIVE: Don't listen to critics; just get on with the job that needs to be done.
SIX: Build your future on high ground.
SEVEN: For safety's sake, travel in pairs.
EIGHT: Speed isn't always an advantage. The snails were on board with the cheetahs.
NINE: When you're stressed, float awhile.
TEN: Remember, the Ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic by professionals.
ELEVEN: No matter the storm, when you are with God, there's always a rainbow waiting.
10 May 2008
a kor and mayo
yes, a new addition to the dysfuntional family. he is mine and kaii's older brother, same father and mother. its chen! kaii's already gotten into the habit of calling him kor. i think it'll be permanent.
i chose maths 1B . 1A is more for the mathsy courses like engineering and acturial studies while 1B is for commerce. i looked at the syllabus for 1B and i realised we had learned the basics for all the topics already.
the guys are so sick minded. and kaii's so innocent. she only found out last week what a [actual meaning behind 'milkshake'] was.
this convo took place over lunch today in the dining room.
bill: do we have anymore of our mayo? i think its in this fridge. *pulls out a large jar of mayo*
law: i wrote that! *there's the word sex on the jar of mayo*
bill: you're sick
law: what?! who would want to take a jar of white sticky stuff that's labelled sex? exactly!
bill: if i ever see the level of the mayo going up, i'm not touching it anymore.
by this time, most of us have gotten the innuendo and are all grossed out. dear innocent kaii is asking around what's so wrong with that? i refuse to pollute her mind. however, daddy has decided to be an 'educator' and teach her real life stuff. she kind of figures it out in her own and asks 'OH. is it starting with 's'?' and stupid bill [what kind of a daddy is he?!] goes 'sex also starts with 's' what.'
ah yes. there you have it. they can turn perfectly innocent foods such as mayo into a product of the male body. SIGH. i'm living among such immature people. then again, ain't i immature too? heh.
yes, a new addition to the dysfuntional family. he is mine and kaii's older brother, same father and mother. its chen! kaii's already gotten into the habit of calling him kor. i think it'll be permanent.
i chose maths 1B . 1A is more for the mathsy courses like engineering and acturial studies while 1B is for commerce. i looked at the syllabus for 1B and i realised we had learned the basics for all the topics already.
the guys are so sick minded. and kaii's so innocent. she only found out last week what a [actual meaning behind 'milkshake'] was.
this convo took place over lunch today in the dining room.
bill: do we have anymore of our mayo? i think its in this fridge. *pulls out a large jar of mayo*
law: i wrote that! *there's the word sex on the jar of mayo*
bill: you're sick
law: what?! who would want to take a jar of white sticky stuff that's labelled sex? exactly!
bill: if i ever see the level of the mayo going up, i'm not touching it anymore.
by this time, most of us have gotten the innuendo and are all grossed out. dear innocent kaii is asking around what's so wrong with that? i refuse to pollute her mind. however, daddy has decided to be an 'educator' and teach her real life stuff. she kind of figures it out in her own and asks 'OH. is it starting with 's'?' and stupid bill [what kind of a daddy is he?!] goes 'sex also starts with 's' what.'
ah yes. there you have it. they can turn perfectly innocent foods such as mayo into a product of the male body. SIGH. i'm living among such immature people. then again, ain't i immature too? heh.
06 May 2008
carpets and a first for me
melissa has completed the following:
-vacuuming of her room
-rearranging of her room
-the introduction of her accounts essay
-the drama series kaii lent her
all rounder i am no? haha. but vacuuming and rearranging the room was the most difficult cause i am quite a lazy person. i have so much more space in my room now! yay. all i have to do now is clear my desk and tadah. but i rarely use my desk even when its neat. i prefer the comfort of my bed.
i promise i will never get carpeting for my floor next time. i prefer to mop and sweep rather than to vacuum. carpet's good for luxury and keeping your feet warm but since i'm going to live in hot and sunny singapore and i'm a lazy person so i'll never make much money anyway, i probably will not have carpeting.
today was not good. i accidentally set my handphone alarm to 8pm instead of 8am last night and therefore, i woke up at 11 and had missed eap and pysch lecture. lesson learnt. i have never been absent from school my entire life without a super valid reason, and by that i don't mean sick or anything. i mean ballet exam or some external factor. i have never stayed home because i was sick or overslept or didn't feel like going to school, not even during pae when i knew i wasn't staying at pjc. oh well. there's a first for everything.
-vacuuming of her room
-rearranging of her room
-the introduction of her accounts essay
-the drama series kaii lent her
all rounder i am no? haha. but vacuuming and rearranging the room was the most difficult cause i am quite a lazy person. i have so much more space in my room now! yay. all i have to do now is clear my desk and tadah. but i rarely use my desk even when its neat. i prefer the comfort of my bed.
i promise i will never get carpeting for my floor next time. i prefer to mop and sweep rather than to vacuum. carpet's good for luxury and keeping your feet warm but since i'm going to live in hot and sunny singapore and i'm a lazy person so i'll never make much money anyway, i probably will not have carpeting.
today was not good. i accidentally set my handphone alarm to 8pm instead of 8am last night and therefore, i woke up at 11 and had missed eap and pysch lecture. lesson learnt. i have never been absent from school my entire life without a super valid reason, and by that i don't mean sick or anything. i mean ballet exam or some external factor. i have never stayed home because i was sick or overslept or didn't feel like going to school, not even during pae when i knew i wasn't staying at pjc. oh well. there's a first for everything.
04 May 2008
albert idol & ballet shoes
albert idol was highly amusing and entertaining. we all were laughing like mad people. the albert boys against kailing's angels. bill was the host and as he put it, it was a contest between the not so losers and the losers. they completely butchered the songs. sigh. but they were really sporting. law should stop singing and become a backup dancer, his dancing was hilarious. there were performances by the pros [tiff, amah, yiwen, ming on] in between and they were really good. i think it was a really good destresser, laughing and everything. sigh. all i have to say about that mess of voices and total off key-ness is: daddy, you have a lousy job.
hmmm. my ballet shoes are very tight and i need to get new ones. however, i don't really know where to get them in melbourne. i've been searching on blackle [energy saving form of google, i'm trying to compensate for the huge amount of electricity i use. heh] and i can't really find a shop in melbourne city itself. SIGH. see how though, cause there's no ballet this week i think. my pointe shoes are also gone. size 2.5. i'm currently a size 4. SIGH. usually i work a hole in my ballet slippers before i have to replace them. this pair looks too new to be cast aside. to my feet: STOP GROWING, CAN? thanks.
that kind of reminds me, the blog url kind of fits my situation right now. like i'm going places where i've never been before. i've got to be a responsible kid and in a way, i'm growing up fast. i have to be.
and therefore, i should stop blogging and do my homework.
hmmm. my ballet shoes are very tight and i need to get new ones. however, i don't really know where to get them in melbourne. i've been searching on blackle [energy saving form of google, i'm trying to compensate for the huge amount of electricity i use. heh] and i can't really find a shop in melbourne city itself. SIGH. see how though, cause there's no ballet this week i think. my pointe shoes are also gone. size 2.5. i'm currently a size 4. SIGH. usually i work a hole in my ballet slippers before i have to replace them. this pair looks too new to be cast aside. to my feet: STOP GROWING, CAN? thanks.
that kind of reminds me, the blog url kind of fits my situation right now. like i'm going places where i've never been before. i've got to be a responsible kid and in a way, i'm growing up fast. i have to be.
and therefore, i should stop blogging and do my homework.
03 May 2008
ahahaha. i'm laughing cause i've got nothing else to. actually, i have too much too do. like hoi and accounting essay. what are you supposed to write for an accounting essay?? oh and this is the question: compare the difference between the cash receipts and the accrual accounting method. and you're supposed to write 750 words on that. don't ask me how i'm going to do that. WHY DIDN'T I STAY IN SINGAPORE??? ARGH. GARH. oh well. no one to blame but myself. and my lousy L1R5 which wouldn't have gotten me into ac.
as for hoi, we were given a choice of:
describe the factors which contribute to the success of the athenian society
was tiberius gracchus a friend or an enemy of freedom?
i chose the latter. the worse bit is, for research, you're not allowed to use the internet. so, i have to trudge to the library. high ho high ho, its off to work we go todotodottoodleroototo. again, i wish i stayed in jc and do gp instead of tooting hoi. help help.
help needed. looking for a cheerful essay writer with lots of brains who is familiar with the ancient civilisation of rome, specialising in tiberius gracchus. writer may be in any country so long as the essay can get to me. deadline for eassy is 30th may and length required is 1200 words. must include citations and references in essay. writer should preferably be able to write an accounting essay on methods of accounting. pay is 10 bars of cadbury chocolate/ 5 bars godiva chocolate, negotiable. email iamsostuckformyessays@hotmail.com for equiries.
as for hoi, we were given a choice of:
describe the factors which contribute to the success of the athenian society
was tiberius gracchus a friend or an enemy of freedom?
i chose the latter. the worse bit is, for research, you're not allowed to use the internet. so, i have to trudge to the library. high ho high ho, its off to work we go todotodottoodleroototo. again, i wish i stayed in jc and do gp instead of tooting hoi. help help.
help needed. looking for a cheerful essay writer with lots of brains who is familiar with the ancient civilisation of rome, specialising in tiberius gracchus. writer may be in any country so long as the essay can get to me. deadline for eassy is 30th may and length required is 1200 words. must include citations and references in essay. writer should preferably be able to write an accounting essay on methods of accounting. pay is 10 bars of cadbury chocolate/ 5 bars godiva chocolate, negotiable. email iamsostuckformyessays@hotmail.com for equiries.
01 May 2008
everyone's busy
happy 14th birthday maddy!
haha. i was halfway webcamming you when my i finished all my mbs. sorry! the apple strudel birthday cake you had looked really good. your birthday present however, well, i can't say the same thing. you're 14 and you want a remote controlled toy helicopter? i have nothing to say. except this: you're saving for a wii right? tell mum you just want the money and use it to buy the wii. seriously.
nowadays, when you walk past bill & chen's room, you can hear singing. Law, chen, ryan and jian fei have formed the 'albert boys' band. such an imaginative name... sigh. their singing, well... no comment. ah. bill's their manager but according to him, since he doesn't get a single cent, he doesn't care about them.
xian brought his 'lao po' with him. she's pretty i must say, but loud. its his guitar, did i mention? yeah, plus amp. grecia has an accoustic guitar also.
ah ma's going to sing at the autumn festival, yi wen's playing and i don't know who else is doing it along with them. the song's 'bless the broken road'. i told ah ma to dedicate it to albert house, and me specifically :)
joyce and mian mian auditioned for a dance concert sometime in sept/oct. hip hop i think. you guys will definitely get in!
basically, everyone's been occupied. i've been at a loose end until this came along:
yay. i went for my first lesson in 2 years yesterday. my gosh, i feel old and severly horrible. the teacher could tell i was unpractised cause she asked if i could cope. all the people there are fairly pro. if its any consolation, they're all older than me. i miss ms chew! she was my ballet teacher for 10 years. now i know why she was paid $15 per lesson for a student, and now i'm paying $15 for the entire year. i think the flare dance ballet teacher volunteers though. cause $15 can get you any amount of dance classes flare dance has to offer for any genre for the entire year. cheap right?
oh and i was the only one who turned up in leotard and tights. i wasn't really embarrassed cause that's what i feel most comfortable in when doing ballet.
cherm was saying now that i'm doing ballet and kaii's practising for her grade 8 piano, she wants to do something. she completed her cross stich already so i think she's at a loose end. thinking of what she can do. actually, she loves sports but the ones that melb uni has is highly competitive. thinking of what she can do... ah CHERM! i just had an idea! you can do... your hoi essay! ok. she's going to strangle me for that. never mind...
i must read hoi soon. in fact, i'd better do it now.
haha. i was halfway webcamming you when my i finished all my mbs. sorry! the apple strudel birthday cake you had looked really good. your birthday present however, well, i can't say the same thing. you're 14 and you want a remote controlled toy helicopter? i have nothing to say. except this: you're saving for a wii right? tell mum you just want the money and use it to buy the wii. seriously.
nowadays, when you walk past bill & chen's room, you can hear singing. Law, chen, ryan and jian fei have formed the 'albert boys' band. such an imaginative name... sigh. their singing, well... no comment. ah. bill's their manager but according to him, since he doesn't get a single cent, he doesn't care about them.
xian brought his 'lao po' with him. she's pretty i must say, but loud. its his guitar, did i mention? yeah, plus amp. grecia has an accoustic guitar also.
ah ma's going to sing at the autumn festival, yi wen's playing and i don't know who else is doing it along with them. the song's 'bless the broken road'. i told ah ma to dedicate it to albert house, and me specifically :)
joyce and mian mian auditioned for a dance concert sometime in sept/oct. hip hop i think. you guys will definitely get in!
basically, everyone's been occupied. i've been at a loose end until this came along:
yay. i went for my first lesson in 2 years yesterday. my gosh, i feel old and severly horrible. the teacher could tell i was unpractised cause she asked if i could cope. all the people there are fairly pro. if its any consolation, they're all older than me. i miss ms chew! she was my ballet teacher for 10 years. now i know why she was paid $15 per lesson for a student, and now i'm paying $15 for the entire year. i think the flare dance ballet teacher volunteers though. cause $15 can get you any amount of dance classes flare dance has to offer for any genre for the entire year. cheap right?
oh and i was the only one who turned up in leotard and tights. i wasn't really embarrassed cause that's what i feel most comfortable in when doing ballet.
cherm was saying now that i'm doing ballet and kaii's practising for her grade 8 piano, she wants to do something. she completed her cross stich already so i think she's at a loose end. thinking of what she can do. actually, she loves sports but the ones that melb uni has is highly competitive. thinking of what she can do... ah CHERM! i just had an idea! you can do... your hoi essay! ok. she's going to strangle me for that. never mind...
i must read hoi soon. in fact, i'd better do it now.
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