wish for something.
maybe it'll come true
cause God has 3 answers
yes, wait, no.
and so if your wish has been granted
you'll be happy
you should be
live it up and savour the moment
if it isn't and its gone the wrong way
don't be sad
don't be angry
just continue with life
but don't forget to keep wishing
if your answer has yet to come
then wait with me
you can sit beside me
we'll look at the stars
and keep waiting
26 June 2009
24 June 2009
66% MG
1. [x] you own at least 4 pairs of FBT shorts [FBTs ftw! haha. our gb contingent wanted to put fbt on our ctg shirt until we found out it stood for football thailand]
2. [ ] You recall the founders day when the school was vandalized [eh?]
3. [x] You still believe Hock Seng recycles/d his straws
4. [x] You spent at least 1 year of your school life patronizing the red bowl stall [more than that]
5. [x ] You spent more pocket money on mayo chicken and hock seng’s snacks than recess itself [omg. yes. i still remember claire eating mayo chicken under mrs david's nose]
6. [ ] You had 5 ting xie books so as to avoid doing correction/getting parents signatures [i damn guai. always kena scolded for getting 0/20 for ting xie]
7. [x] You cut queue at the Yong Tao Foo stall [ahem. hungry lah]
8. [ ] You faked an injury to wear sandals to school
9. [x] You got away with your skirt being 1 inch too short [don't we all?]
10. [x] Your badge was never covering the pinafore bit, it was as low as you could get away with [who wears it high???]
11. [ ] You made every excuse to not change out of your PE attire
12. [x] Monday chapels were 1 hour nap time
13. [ ] You fainted at least once during school assembly
14. [ ] You always arrived late on Mondays to avoid the ‘read Chinese/MT books’ initiative in the quadrangle[again, i was guai]
15. [x] You played pepsi cola one two three in the linkway AHAHA
16. [x] The only hopscotch tiles you know are the ones in the concourse [always use our wallets]
17. [ ] You got upset by ‘Monkey Girls’ School’ [proud of it!]
18. [ ] You threatened a teacher that your parents will complain to XXX
19. [x] You remember Tuesday morning devotions with Mrs Tan
20. [x] You know what KAP and BTP stand for [2nd home]
21. [x] You got away with eating in class :D
22. [x] You have at least one good friend from GB :)
23. [x] You know where computer lab 4.1 is and you had classes in there
24. [ ] You remember when Maple Woods was just green grass [wth? how long ago was that??]
25. [x] You were one of the brats who was picked up by your mum/ahma everyday[only in primary school]
26. [ ] Alternatively, you got a lift from a friend whose mum/ahmad picked them up everyday
27. [x] You used the orange pay phone by the guardhouse regularly[hello? mum? yeah, done. k.]
29. [ ] You can’t remember the second and third verse of the school song [i doubt a true mg girl would forget the 2nd and 3rd verses...]
30. [x] You caused a chain of effect of screams because you saw a bug/lizard [all girls school... sigh]
31. [x] You miss the Touch Typing program offered in primary school [like it had any use?]
32. [x] You never understood why you had to plait your hair when the ponytail reached the collar [i thought its so that the tradition of french plaits would continue...]
33. [ ] You still wore coloured sports bra [again, note the guai-ness. i remember seow used to wear purple ones... ]
34. [x] You wore shorts under your pinafore on non-PE days[FBTs ftw]
35. [ ] Your class scared a male teacher away before
36. [x] You have at least three relatives who studied/are currently studying in MGS
37. [ ] Your mum was classmates with your teacher/classmates mum
38. [x] You wore jackets in school because it was ‘that’ cold
39. [x] You miss MGS canteen food [RED BOWL NOODLES.]
40. [ ] You had the fattest pencil case because it was stuffed with all those coloured pens and markers
41. [x] You still use the blue/black uni-ball ultra-fine 0.38 pen [i panic when its not in my pencil case]
42. [x] You still wear your House/PE t shirt occasionally [comfy!]
43. [ ] You almost gave the Home Econs teacher a heart attack
44. [x] There is a theme song from one of the camps or REW weeks that you still remember [i think...]
45. [x] You will send your daughter to MGS
46. [x] You’ve gone back at least once to visit after graduating
47. [x] Your class made a Lao Shi cry before [she cried herself! we didn't do anything]
48. [ ] Hock Seng used to call you by your house (address) number
49. [x] You wonder why we never actually had prom [founder's day instead...]
50. [x] You wish you could relive it all over again.
2. [ ] You recall the founders day when the school was vandalized [eh?]
3. [x] You still believe Hock Seng recycles/d his straws
4. [x] You spent at least 1 year of your school life patronizing the red bowl stall [more than that]
5. [x ] You spent more pocket money on mayo chicken and hock seng’s snacks than recess itself [omg. yes. i still remember claire eating mayo chicken under mrs david's nose]
6. [ ] You had 5 ting xie books so as to avoid doing correction/getting parents signatures [i damn guai. always kena scolded for getting 0/20 for ting xie]
7. [x] You cut queue at the Yong Tao Foo stall [ahem. hungry lah]
8. [ ] You faked an injury to wear sandals to school
9. [x] You got away with your skirt being 1 inch too short [don't we all?]
10. [x] Your badge was never covering the pinafore bit, it was as low as you could get away with [who wears it high???]
11. [ ] You made every excuse to not change out of your PE attire
12. [x] Monday chapels were 1 hour nap time
13. [ ] You fainted at least once during school assembly
14. [ ] You always arrived late on Mondays to avoid the ‘read Chinese/MT books’ initiative in the quadrangle[again, i was guai]
15. [x] You played pepsi cola one two three in the linkway AHAHA
16. [x] The only hopscotch tiles you know are the ones in the concourse [always use our wallets]
17. [ ] You got upset by ‘Monkey Girls’ School’ [proud of it!]
18. [ ] You threatened a teacher that your parents will complain to XXX
19. [x] You remember Tuesday morning devotions with Mrs Tan
20. [x] You know what KAP and BTP stand for [2nd home]
21. [x] You got away with eating in class :D
22. [x] You have at least one good friend from GB :)
23. [x] You know where computer lab 4.1 is and you had classes in there
24. [ ] You remember when Maple Woods was just green grass [wth? how long ago was that??]
25. [x] You were one of the brats who was picked up by your mum/ahma everyday[only in primary school]
26. [ ] Alternatively, you got a lift from a friend whose mum/ahmad picked them up everyday
27. [x] You used the orange pay phone by the guardhouse regularly[hello? mum? yeah, done. k.]
29. [ ] You can’t remember the second and third verse of the school song [i doubt a true mg girl would forget the 2nd and 3rd verses...]
30. [x] You caused a chain of effect of screams because you saw a bug/lizard [all girls school... sigh]
31. [x] You miss the Touch Typing program offered in primary school [like it had any use?]
32. [x] You never understood why you had to plait your hair when the ponytail reached the collar [i thought its so that the tradition of french plaits would continue...]
33. [ ] You still wore coloured sports bra [again, note the guai-ness. i remember seow used to wear purple ones... ]
34. [x] You wore shorts under your pinafore on non-PE days[FBTs ftw]
35. [ ] Your class scared a male teacher away before
36. [x] You have at least three relatives who studied/are currently studying in MGS
37. [ ] Your mum was classmates with your teacher/classmates mum
38. [x] You wore jackets in school because it was ‘that’ cold
39. [x] You miss MGS canteen food [RED BOWL NOODLES.]
40. [ ] You had the fattest pencil case because it was stuffed with all those coloured pens and markers
41. [x] You still use the blue/black uni-ball ultra-fine 0.38 pen [i panic when its not in my pencil case]
42. [x] You still wear your House/PE t shirt occasionally [comfy!]
43. [ ] You almost gave the Home Econs teacher a heart attack
44. [x] There is a theme song from one of the camps or REW weeks that you still remember [i think...]
45. [x] You will send your daughter to MGS
46. [x] You’ve gone back at least once to visit after graduating
47. [x] Your class made a Lao Shi cry before [she cried herself! we didn't do anything]
48. [ ] Hock Seng used to call you by your house (address) number
49. [x] You wonder why we never actually had prom [founder's day instead...]
50. [x] You wish you could relive it all over again.
20 June 2009
job description
melissa the spoilt kid has finally worked for the 1st day in her life.
my job is translator+secretary+receptionist+waitress+dishwasher
all in all, a job at a chinese takeaway shop where the chef cannot speak english and the customers cannot speak chinese.
the order comes in in english. i have to write it down in chinese and give to the chef. 15 mins later, the food comes and i have to pack it and tell them 'here's your fish, rice and soup'. multiply by 20.
all we ever do is fight, fight and fight.
i'm tired.
my job is translator+secretary+receptionist+waitress+dishwasher
all in all, a job at a chinese takeaway shop where the chef cannot speak english and the customers cannot speak chinese.
the order comes in in english. i have to write it down in chinese and give to the chef. 15 mins later, the food comes and i have to pack it and tell them 'here's your fish, rice and soup'. multiply by 20.
all we ever do is fight, fight and fight.
i'm tired.
19 June 2009

what do you see?
research shows that young children cannot see the couple because they have not been exposed to these sort of images. instead, they see 9 dolphins.
apparently, if you can't see the dolphins within 6 seconds, your mind is corrupted.
melissa/] says:
the teacher showed it to us in class
then she was like
all of you should have found the dolphins
and i think i was the only one who was still staring at the screen
{silent but violent} says:
melissa/] says:
still trying to figure out where the things were
so i concluded
i have a effing corrupted mind
{silent but violent} says:
u still can't see them?
which makes me wonder... either my mind is bad at optical illusions
or my mind is corrupted beyond God's good saving grace.
i'd rather believe that my mind is bad at this sortathing.
somehow i doubt so.

what do you see?
research shows that young children cannot see the couple because they have not been exposed to these sort of images. instead, they see 9 dolphins.
apparently, if you can't see the dolphins within 6 seconds, your mind is corrupted.
melissa/] says:
the teacher showed it to us in class
then she was like
all of you should have found the dolphins
and i think i was the only one who was still staring at the screen
{silent but violent} says:
melissa/] says:
still trying to figure out where the things were
so i concluded
i have a effing corrupted mind
{silent but violent} says:
u still can't see them?
which makes me wonder... either my mind is bad at optical illusions
or my mind is corrupted beyond God's good saving grace.
i'd rather believe that my mind is bad at this sortathing.
somehow i doubt so.
17 June 2009
i've got a mock job interview, a real job interview and a BBA test.
somehow, the bba test is the least of my worries.
i got 1 job offer. from a chinese takeaway shop. its good. cause i only have to work tuesdays and thursdays. and its near. the job interview i have tomorrow is for a cafe- the one i thought was an indian restaurant but apparently its a cafe run by indians. AHAHA.
i also had a job interview with gloria jean's. the interviewer was like
:'so what are your strengths?'
me:*blank*... er. MY SMILE?
i've got a mock job interview, a real job interview and a BBA test.
somehow, the bba test is the least of my worries.
i got 1 job offer. from a chinese takeaway shop. its good. cause i only have to work tuesdays and thursdays. and its near. the job interview i have tomorrow is for a cafe- the one i thought was an indian restaurant but apparently its a cafe run by indians. AHAHA.
i also had a job interview with gloria jean's. the interviewer was like
:'so what are your strengths?'
me:*blank*... er. MY SMILE?
15 June 2009
i've been sleeping at 5 am
waking up at 2 pm
and eating most of the time.
there. i said it.
i really need to get my life together.
i've been sleeping at 5 am
waking up at 2 pm
and eating most of the time.
there. i said it.
i really need to get my life together.
13 June 2009
i went for a jobhunt today...
cause i am too damn bored in my room.
the only interested people were from the indian restaurant.
if i get a job there,
i will be a chinese working in an indian restaurant...
anyone thinks that's funny?
my mum does.
cause i am too damn bored in my room.
the only interested people were from the indian restaurant.
if i get a job there,
i will be a chinese working in an indian restaurant...
anyone thinks that's funny?
my mum does.
11 June 2009
08 June 2009
moulin rouge
its the only movie which i can tolerate that has a sad ending.
it always makes me cry. then again people who know me argue that i've cried for every movie that i've watched that. except like, simpsons?
because of all the glitz of the costumes and nicole kidman& ewan mcgregor, there is the tendency to brush it off as a hollywood romantic movie. yes, it may be that but look at what most adults are struggling with: balancing their work and family. ultimately, its down to what you want to place first. as my facilities lecturer said 'you think people who have finished their shift at work and battled 1 hour of peak traffic are going to go home and be model husbands?'
of course, in the movie, the choice between love and money is dramatised, its a dilemma, it seems unapplicable. but little choices we make each day build up to that effect.
another thing about the movie i find so thought provoking is the extent to which a human can love. when i reflect on gossip i hear about this and that and i hear friends telling me their stories and problems, i always am astonished at what a human being can go through in order to protect a person they love, be it a family member, a friend or something more. sometimes, i'm proud to call myself a human being.
i hope i'll always have the ability to cry at movies and not become cynical and jaded...
and so. the best thing you can take away from moulin rouge:
the most important thing you'll ever learn is to love, and be loved in return.
its the only movie which i can tolerate that has a sad ending.
it always makes me cry. then again people who know me argue that i've cried for every movie that i've watched that. except like, simpsons?
because of all the glitz of the costumes and nicole kidman& ewan mcgregor, there is the tendency to brush it off as a hollywood romantic movie. yes, it may be that but look at what most adults are struggling with: balancing their work and family. ultimately, its down to what you want to place first. as my facilities lecturer said 'you think people who have finished their shift at work and battled 1 hour of peak traffic are going to go home and be model husbands?'
of course, in the movie, the choice between love and money is dramatised, its a dilemma, it seems unapplicable. but little choices we make each day build up to that effect.
another thing about the movie i find so thought provoking is the extent to which a human can love. when i reflect on gossip i hear about this and that and i hear friends telling me their stories and problems, i always am astonished at what a human being can go through in order to protect a person they love, be it a family member, a friend or something more. sometimes, i'm proud to call myself a human being.
i hope i'll always have the ability to cry at movies and not become cynical and jaded...
and so. the best thing you can take away from moulin rouge:
the most important thing you'll ever learn is to love, and be loved in return.
07 June 2009
a world i no longer recognise
a world which is not mine
a world i'm no longer part of
my driver's theory test is booked for next sunday
i'm so tired of changes, of uncertainity...
i don't want to be changing my address ever few months, flying here and there.
i want to curl up and sleep.
sleep for a very very long time.
then when everything's over, i'll wake up.
and everything will be alright again.
a world which is not mine
a world i'm no longer part of
my driver's theory test is booked for next sunday
i'm so tired of changes, of uncertainity...
i don't want to be changing my address ever few months, flying here and there.
i want to curl up and sleep.
sleep for a very very long time.
then when everything's over, i'll wake up.
and everything will be alright again.
06 June 2009
missing ah
amanda yee[ahma] video called me.
made me realise how much i missed her.
even though she drives me nuts
and all the albert house people.
like that SORHAI wai hoe of an ah kong
even though he annoys me to hell. really. like THROTTLES NECK
and jianfei and his chuck norris jokes and how he annoys me when i ask why is __ so late? and then he'll go BECAUSE NOT EARLY. ARGH
and grace who always tries to get me and bill to do something and she'll go WHOOOO. and you feel like killing her
or like kristy who is like damn perverted and you don't know whether to laugh, cry or stop listening to her
but i still miss everyone, even though they're idiots. and as cherm once said 'if you call the person idiot means love. heehee' and i think this picture best depicts it:

but every single memory i have of them, with them, i treasure...
made me realise how much i missed her.
even though she drives me nuts
and all the albert house people.
like that SORHAI wai hoe of an ah kong
even though he annoys me to hell. really. like THROTTLES NECK
and jianfei and his chuck norris jokes and how he annoys me when i ask why is __ so late? and then he'll go BECAUSE NOT EARLY. ARGH
and grace who always tries to get me and bill to do something and she'll go WHOOOO. and you feel like killing her
or like kristy who is like damn perverted and you don't know whether to laugh, cry or stop listening to her
but i still miss everyone, even though they're idiots. and as cherm once said 'if you call the person idiot means love. heehee' and i think this picture best depicts it:

but every single memory i have of them, with them, i treasure...
03 June 2009
first 3 days of school
the first 3 days of school have been... educational, to say the least. also, extremely hilarious
Rooms division class(housekeeping, etc):
ms roughley: ok, we're going to get everyone to tell us something that nobody in college knows.
XX: i teach spanish. well, i used to teach spanish. but 2 days ago i slept with my student.
-i had to rapidly translate this into chinese for the benefit of this chinese guy next to me. so i was like er... 他跟他学生睡觉... er. no... 上床? the guy was like OH.
buisness communication:
lecturer: who has never worked before?
only my hand goes up... AH! i'm not a rich kid ok? i've just been studying my whole damn life!
also. i happen to be the youngest in that class. the oldest is like 30+?
Hospitality(bar practical):
we tried 12 types of alcohol. and along the way learnt that monks and nuns distilled alcohol in the name of God. tried one that was named frangelico, the bottle is shaped like a MONK but seriously, its just wrong to have alcohol named after a order of monks... but having said that, it was quite nice... very nutty flavour.
another one goes by the name 'perfect love' made from violets and roses. it is a very nice lavander colour and smells lovely. Sounds like a perfect drink to order for your romantic date? it tastes like crap and another name for it is 'cream of virgin'. so don't.
my favourite one was one that was made from rasberries :)
more interesting stuff to come...
Rooms division class(housekeeping, etc):
ms roughley: ok, we're going to get everyone to tell us something that nobody in college knows.
XX: i teach spanish. well, i used to teach spanish. but 2 days ago i slept with my student.
-i had to rapidly translate this into chinese for the benefit of this chinese guy next to me. so i was like er... 他跟他学生睡觉... er. no... 上床? the guy was like OH.
buisness communication:
lecturer: who has never worked before?
only my hand goes up... AH! i'm not a rich kid ok? i've just been studying my whole damn life!
also. i happen to be the youngest in that class. the oldest is like 30+?
Hospitality(bar practical):
we tried 12 types of alcohol. and along the way learnt that monks and nuns distilled alcohol in the name of God. tried one that was named frangelico, the bottle is shaped like a MONK but seriously, its just wrong to have alcohol named after a order of monks... but having said that, it was quite nice... very nutty flavour.
another one goes by the name 'perfect love' made from violets and roses. it is a very nice lavander colour and smells lovely. Sounds like a perfect drink to order for your romantic date? it tastes like crap and another name for it is 'cream of virgin'. so don't.
my favourite one was one that was made from rasberries :)
more interesting stuff to come...
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