19 June 2008

factor and things to do

i realised what's triggering all this

its the fact that I AM GOING TO MISS FOUNDER'S DAY BY 13 DAYS.

founder's day is on the 25th and i'm flying back to australia on the 12th. HOW UNFAIR IS THIS?! i mean if i missed it by like 5 days, i can skip abit of school to go for it and if i miss it by a month i wouldn't be going SO CLOSE YET SO F A R.

i told manda and melia i should tell manda to add in an extra line in her speech as an ex-head that melissa says hi. melia said that the gb juniors would be laughing their heads off at that. ARGH.

things to do when in singapore:
- see the mg yearbook
- go bug the juniors in gb. like see which week they're doing drill and go laugh at them.
- buy *ahem he he* which, according to my accounting lecturer, is another name for non taxable women's products. [the guys were rather amused by that][on a side note, the singaporeans who are here mainly come from single sex schools and the malaysians generally come from co-ed schools. so i realised that it is not acceptable to the malaysians, even though its all girls, to yell out who has a pad! a girl in cell needed one and i was about to yell it out when she practically smothered me with her hand. granted, there were guys around but she had known them for 2 years already... oh well. but if you really need something you would use any means possible to obtain it right?]
- ice skating
- 9jamer outing
- eat coffee bean's caesar salad at gutherie house
- so many other things... shall edit later.


Anonymous said...

9mares you mean. what do you wanna do when you come back? as in the outing with us, your cousins:)

a very bored but worried cousin of yours who is scared cos monday school satrts and she hasn't really finish her homework but would like to say hi.

did you get that?

meliss said...

of course i want an outing with you guys! haha! hi hi back! is this amanda? i can't tell...

oh well, see you soon!

Anonymous said...

yea is me, amanda, but i lazy to sign in so just put it as anon. how long are you coming back for? oh did you know i stopped attending brmc already? haha nvm, can me meet up like seriously meet up as 7jam or 9mares or whatever. like plan and meet up? cos we wanted to before but didn't