15 July 2008

one more recruit for the dark side

at the mac lab again... i'm adapting i guess.



I CONVERTED DEBBIE! she has finally turned to the dark side. holidays can really do wonders to people. i mean she used to cringe whenever me and amy gave her the V sign or the peace sign with the hand turned the other way, but today she gave it to amy and i!!! so debbie, welcome to the dark side... i wonder how long it'll take before ru ann says her first f-word, but i'm not working on her.


Debbie said...

melmelmelmelmelmelmelmelmelmelmelmelmelmelmelmel :)
just here to annoy u

u TWO la..bully me..i was under a lot of peer pressure

meliss said...

what peer presure?!

haha. fine...

Amy said...

I dun see any peer pressure... do you??

Anyway, Debbie doing 'the V' on my blog!