04 September 2008

the past & present

i thank the past for the good times it has given me and the excellent memories it has given me. but at the same time, i want to live in it. don't get me wrong, i like my life now as it is. but at the same time, i'm missing everything that i've known for 17 years.

for ever and ever.
for it lives in my mind
for the crazy wild times
for the crappy sobbing times
for the blissfully happy times
for the hot humid i'm-sweating-like-a-pig times.
for the stability and rituals
for the unexpected obstacles life throw our way
for friendships made and pleasures shared and lessons learnt apace,

thank you God.

now is a gift, that's why they call it the present

watched cherm's drama, the guys in her group were acting out a fight and one of them slammed the other into the wall. AND THE WALL CRACKED. it was a really long crack...

spring is so nice to photograph... all the flowers coming up and although the trees look dead still, its nice to know they'll get their leaves back soon

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
