04 February 2009



fill in the blanks with vulgarities and obscenities
[bonus points if they're not in english]

let's go.

so, today i woke up ___ early to meet my parents at sydney mainland cause to get from sydney to manly you have take a ferry that's ___ 35 mins or drive.

and we were in a ___ rush cause i had to be in the college by 1.30

and went i reached the dock, the ferry was there.

but the ___ gate was ___ closed early. ___!

as a result, i missed my chef uniform fitting [don't laugh. i will sent my very sharp knife through your head and feed your parents cranuim a la de bambino, if i don't pwn you at cooking first...]

and so i have to go back to ___ sydney, where their shop is. like by ___ tomorrow


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