05 July 2009

my grace is sufficient

into your hands, i commit again
with all i am, for you Lord
you hold my world in the palm of your hand

i really really thank god for looking after me this term

at the start of this term i resolved to go to church regularly. and i went for 2 weeks then i had stuff and school cropping up. but i still talked to Him regularly and basically, i decided i would commit myself into his hands again.

and He timed everything so nicely. like i decided i would look for a job and he gave me a nice one that fit into my timetable and didn't cut into my weekends [my friend couldn't find a job]. and after i got settled into my job, the derks came to sydney, [quite fun, hanging around them made me feel so much better] and then now, joanna's coming for the hillsong conference.

there's a lot of stuff that He managed to fit in for me nicely also but that's a very very long detailed story.

and i'm getting used to this place. somehow making it all work.

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