05 July 2010


i remembered while walking home why i chose the url for this blog

going on pointes

to go on pointe in ballet is to start using the block shoes, the one where you rest your weight on the very tip of your toes.

for me, after 9 years of doing ballet, pointe shoes was all that i could dream about. it marks a transition. its a sign that you're strong enough and willing to endure the pain. in life the equivalent would be the transition from child to adult, a slow process, painful.

and it seems that ever since i've started this blog, my life has kept on transforming. from an all girls' environment to a mixed JC, from singapore to melbourne, from melbourne to sydney, from studying to working, from friends to strangers and from strangers to confidants & close friends.

keeping turning the pages, i want to know what life will bring me.

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