21 December 2009
here come mylifeisaverage.com
its for the inner nerd in you
the one that believes in ninjas, harry potters, monsters under the bed and most importantly, loves empty cardboard boxes.
a few of the submissions:
Today, while staying at a hotel I saw a sign that read "Please don't drop your cigarette butts on the ground, the iguanas come out and smoke them and we're trying to get them to quit." MLIA
Today, I saw Grumpy from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves at Disneyland. I shouted, "OH MY GOD! HI GRUMPY!" He looked at me and gave me the finger. MLIA.
Today I was reading the back of my eyeliner, it said "tested on celebrities not animals." I laughed. MLIA
Today it was really foggy on my drive to school. I turned on the Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack and pretended to be a pirate. MLIA.
Today, while shopping for my little brother in Toys R Us, i picked up a foam sword and swung it around a bit. I looked at the price, and underneath it was a warning. it said "CAUTION: not meant for actual combat with ninjas and/or zombies" Thanks for the warning. MLIA
22 November 2009
pride and prejudice
i'm happy cause i know she's going to have a great bonding time with everyone.
i think there are 2 actual reasons why i want her to join:
1) so that she won't be stuck with just SBC friends.
i've never liked the idea of segregation inside MG. when we as a level, as sec4s, were allowed to discuss any issue we wanted, we didn't ask for anything, all we were concerned about as the last non SBC batch was that the MG spirit would be the price of this seperation between "gifted" and "non gifted" students. its really a large price to pay for academic excellence
i figured if i could get marianne into the only cca that has both pri and sec sides meeting up with each other regularly, maybe she'll have more perspective on this and not see herself as better or more intelligent
2) so that she has something in common with me.
i always wanted someone to be proud of me every time i got another badge, another year, another achievement.
my parents were but i don't think they really understood how much it meant.
so when marianne gets her 3rd year, her rank, her first drill com trophy, her PBB, i'll be there to be ever so proud of her.
17 November 2009
i still believe not all good things have to come to an end
don't like reality
It's way too clear to me
But really life is dandy
We are what we don't see
Missed everything daydreaming
Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end
Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end
come to an end come to an
Why do all good things come to end?
come to an end come to an
Why do all good things come to an end?
Well the dogs were barking at a new moon
Whistling a new tune
Hoping it would come soon
And the sun was wondering if it should stay away for a day 'til the feeling went away
And the sky was falling on the clouds were dropping and
the rain forgot how to bring salvation
the dogs were barking at the new moon
Whistling a new tune
Hoping it would come soon so that they could die.
12 November 2009
not enough
"Let me tell you something about people like me. People like me feel lost and little and ugly and dispensable...It's like every morning I wake up and I fail. And I look around and everybody seems to be pulling up but somehow I can't. No matter how hard I try, somehow I'll never be enough."
25 October 2009
i think its damn ironic that i don't drink coffee and i'm a barista
and that i cannot take alcohol [literally, i don't have the enzyme to process alcohol] yet the industry that i'm in makes money in serving it.
HAHA. also the fact that i am the clumsiest person you'll ever meet does not help me at as a waitress.
16 October 2009
*the conversation steers to the ultimate topic amongst guys: porn
f: (proudly) 'eh, me, a, b, c, d, and e* all use the same website. eh. good stuff.'
the whole room: WTF?!
i later asked d if he really used the website
d: 'aiyah.... why he go and tell you? i shy.'
*names changed so as to not get a good whacking from their girlfriends
apparently, watching porn and having a girlfriend are 2 completely seperate aspects of life and not at all related . like how eating and having a blanket are 2 seperate things.
HAHA. which reminds me
f, chen, ryan and i were at starbucks and f was telling us how when his ex-gf found out that he watched porn, she emo-ed for a whole week and refused to talk to him. the convo was particularly disturbing, apparently they forget i'm a girl. which brings me to my point.
f was observing all the girls at starbucks and was pointing out the hot/pretty ones
so being my usual nosy self,
i asked chen whether he thought i was pretty, average or below average.
my kor's response?
i was like '...' my only kor and that's what he says. apparently, according to him his being my kor is the reason why he cannot judge. cause its too weird judging whether his sister is pretty. so i turned to ryan and before i could say anything he was like
don't ask me this kind of stuff.
haha. actually if they were to ask me to judge their looks i also wouldn't be able to answer them...
my very happening schedule
last week: linyeh, yokeyee & jasmine's combined birthday
wednesday: WORK
friday: perd's birthday at seven(no, not the time, the club)
saturday: amandayee's birthday at korean restaurant
monday: WORK
thursday: maelstrom (flare production)
and for the week after that, i'm working 5 days in a week, all shifts begining at 9.30am. KNSNBCCB. cause all of them don't end before 5pm. *long line of expletives* :D
wait. there's a moral to the porn story.
oh yeah
14 October 2009
at 7 am in the morning
because i haven't slept all night
sorting out my life...
just thinking. :)
11 October 2009
and in my imagination
i see everyone
maybe a few people aren't able to make it but i still see everyone
maybe we've aged a bit
maybe some couples aren't together anymore
maybe new couples have formed
but i still see everyone
laughing, joking.
and i expect to feel happy
but i'm not sure if i can handle the changes
yesterday was a reunion of some sorts.
junlin, jasmine, and yokeyee.
these three turned a year older
and we were all there
some couldn't make it but i still saw everyone
some couples had broken up
some had new relationshops
but i still saw everyone
laughing, joking
and i felt at peace
although changes had been made,
we were still gathered there
10 October 2009
i learn.
"爱很... 辛苦".
he paused and looked at me,
unvoluntarily, a small sad smile crossed my face at his optimism and his strong belief in the topic. i replied slowly, not being so fluent in chinese and searching for the right words "是九十九巴仙痛苦的".
his answer was quick
19 September 2009
money- its a rich man's world
i spent it on groceries...
bloody hell right?
i wish i got a nice piece of jewellery with it or a bag or something
but no, bills have to be paid and groceries have to be bought...
welcome to the real world.
03 September 2009
she seemed ok
it seemed like it was a good day for her
she even told me she'll bring me out to eat if i came back for chinese new year '10
i was about to tell her that i found a placement for industry training
until she asked me where i was and whether i liked it here
for the 3rd time
and then me finding a job didn't seem so important anymore
so i told her: i ate nasi lemak, yup, a malay family sells it here grandma. yes, the rice quite lemak. i think almost as good as singapore's. yes, i will study hard grandma, when i build a hotel you can stay there for free. i'm in australia now grandma. melbourne, its nice here. you'll see me at chinese new year. yeah, ang pows! huh? you'll only give me $1.20? how about $2? yeah, you can start saving for the extra 80 cents! yes grandma, i'm in australia. melbourne. yeah, i like it here. thanks grandma. ok. yes i'll take care. you too. bye bye.
when & if she asks me who i am
i don't think i'll be able to take it then
i used to wear a tshirt that said
i want to be just like grandma when i grow up
and i meant it.
she was the coolest person i knew as a kid
so today, i'll make a promise
to call her every week
so that, hopefully,
she won't forget me.
day 6
doing nothing does not go well with me
it is a thursday today
i used to like thursdays
we made fun of __'s blog today. and yesterday. and on saturday.
quite fun to go WTF is she doing?!
its ok. we didn't make fun of yours.
i saw this really pretty summer dress on f21's website.
i waaant.
i'm sorry if this is such a self-indulgent post.
the most frequent company i have nowadays are my thoughts.
30 August 2009
: (
and i have about $100 to get me through until i find a job
i'm a sad sad person...
sigh. life ain't easy...
23 August 2009
words words words
once in awhile its nice to reflect on your life.
if i've achieved much, struggled much, dealt with much, then i'm happy that i came through that and i know that i'm stronger for all that.
if i've had a lot of fun, made stronger friendships, and had a good time, then i reflect fondly on the precious memories.
i believe that there's some sort of compensation for everything
don't you?
i found a poem today:
In an effort to get people to look
into each other's eyes more,
and also to appease the mutes,
the government has decided
to allot each person exactly one hundred
and sixty-seven words, per day.
When the phone rings, I put it to my ear
without saying hello. In the restaurant
I point at chicken noodle soup.
I am adjusting well to the new way.
Late at night, I call my long distance lover,
proudly say I only used fifty-nine today.
I saved the rest for you.
When she doesn't respond,
I know she's used up all her words,
so I slowly whisper I love you
thirty-two and a third times.
After that, we just sit on the line
and listen to each other breathe.
-the quiet world, Jeffrey McDaniel
and it got me thinking,
hypothetical question for today:
if you had exactly 167 words to say before you died,
what would it be?
20 August 2009
simple ones.
for the students that have never cooked in their life and suddenly have to make do with just a rice cooker to cook.
whaddya think?
2. today at work was UBER busy. there was a full house (6 tables) and customers just kept coming and coming. i was just so not prepared for that. luckily i did ok, $15 in tips :D. today was my payday too, so i'll treat myself to a better than usual meal this weekend.
18 August 2009
spam mail
i get "male enhancement pills", "bring back the time when girls were yours", and all sorts of ridiculous junk emails.
i received this one today:
Dear Sir/Madam
My name is (staff Sgt.) David Bruce i am an American soldier, serving in the Military with the army's 3rd infantry division.
i have a very desperate need for Assistance and have summed up courage to contact you.
I found your contact through internet serching and I am seeking your kind Assistance to move the sum of Five million United States dollars (us$5,000,000) to you, as far as I can be assured that my share will be safe in your care Until i complete my service here.
Source of money: some money in US currencies were discovered in barrels at a Farmhouse near one of saddam’s old palaces in tikrit-iraq during a rescue operation, and it was agreed by staff Sgt Kenneth buff and i that some part of this money be shared Between both of us before informing anybody about it since both of us saw the money first. This was quite an illegal thing to do, but i tell you what! no compensation can make up For the risk we have taken with our lives in this hell hole, of which my brother in-law Was killed by a road side bomb last time.
The above figure was given to me as my share, and to conceal this kind of money become a Problem for me but with the help of a British contact working here and with his office Enjoying some immunity, i was able to get the package out to a safe location entirely Out of trouble spot. he does not know the real contents of the package, and he believes that it belongs to a British American medical doctor who died in a raid here in Iraq, And before giving up, trusted me to hand over the package to his family in country.
I have now found a very secured way of getting the package out of Iraq to you at home For you to pick up, and i will discuss this with you when i am sure that you are willing To assist me and that my money will be well secured in your hand. I want you to tell me How much you will take from this money for the assistance you will give to me.
One Passionate appeal i will make to you is not to discuss this matter with anybody,if you have any reasons to reject this offer, please and please destroy this message as any Leakage of this information will be too bad for the u.s. soldier's here in Iraq. I do Not know how long we will remain here; month of May was the deadliest month for us to be out Here. Totally, we lost 127 men and i have been shot,wounded and survived two suicide Bomb attacks by the special grace of god. This and other reasons i will mention later Has prompted me to reach out for help.
I honestly want this matter to be resolved immediately, please contact meas soon as Possible with my private e-mail address which is my only way of communication (e-mail: sgtdavidbruce1@yahoo.co.jp)
May god bless you and your family
From David Bruce.
sigh... scammers...
16 August 2009
term 2
this term went so fast.
i think i've learnt something from this term. i hope.
my accounting lecturer/tutor's parting words:
And as future business leaders you have responsibilities to those who depend on you:
Protect the weak,
Don’t hurt anybody,
Earn the respect of your friends, employers, employees, suppliers, customers and owners by your behaviour,
Don’t become known as a liar.
Don’t become known as a cheat or a thief
Get a reputation as someone who is loyal, honest and trustworthy i.e. someone who others want to be like.
So I say to you, my Friends,
Never lose hope,
Be strong, resilient, persistent & focused, the Gods will take you to where you need to be.
And remember…..“Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you will land among the stars”
PS Something for your journey:
Your Life’s Account
Your Happiness is your Profit
Your Sorrows are your Loss
Your Soul is your goodwill
Your Duties are your Outstanding Expenses
Your Friendship is your Hidden Adjustment
Your Character is your Capital
Your Knowledge is your Investment
Your Patience is your Interest
Your Mind is your Bank Balance
Your Bad Thinking is your Depreciation
Your Behaviour is your Journal Entry
Your Life Partner is your Partner
Your Child is your Long Term Goal
Your Death is your Closing Stock
12 August 2009
10 August 2009
07 August 2009
celebrity chef
i volunteered for this fuction where this famous chef is going to come to cook! its quite cool and i thought i would want to help out cause you get your picture taken with the chef!! anyway... its tonight and i'm quite excited... :) need to iron yet another shirt. i have this huge pile of washed unironed shirts and everytime i need a new shirt, people can see me sprinting to the ironing boards in a tshirt and fbts with a shirt in hand....
césar ritz
an exchange program for one term in switzerland. i so want to escape manly so i'm quite set on doing that... BUT the same term in icms is the coolest term ever. you get to organise your own event. HOW COOL IS THAT?! sigh... have to choose... the celebrity chef above is an example of the student's event.
what to do with birthday money
me mum decided to give me money this year for my birthday. i have no idea what to do with it cause:
dress: i'll wear it a few times only
skinny jeans: must be perfect fit and i'm too lazy to hunt
shoes: i'm moving around quite abit so... not good to pack.
books: ditto
sofitel interview
sofitel in melbourne's supposed to give me a call for an interview cause icms sent my resume to them last wednesday... SIGHSIGHSIGH. i'm getting worried cause they haven't called me. and i've checked my voicemail like 183649 times.
my ever so messy room
the cluttering of my room reflects the state of my mind in turmoil.
nah, i'm just too lazy to clear it.
04 August 2009
18 & 1
melbourne ♥
:) went to melbourne for the weekend to celebrate my 18th properly and i'm so glad i did.
thank you albert house peeps for being there...
i celebrated my 17th with you guys and my 18th and i really really hope i will get to celebrate many many more birthdays with you :)
went to accelerated maths 2 lecture with ruann, linyeh, ryan, bill, junkit. the lecurer was damn funny.
*ringtone loudly blares in the middle of lecture*
guy with loud phone: sorry
lecturer *smiling*: its ok. i'm not angry or upset. but if it happens again,
i might have to kill you
friday was bill's suprise for me. he kind of forced me into a wearing a dress and refused to tell me where we were going. and we were walking to brunetti's(the one not along lygon st.) to scout for chen's cake. and we saw this ginormous crowd near regent theatre where wicked was showing. then i remembered that there was the wicked lucky draw so we went to see if the lucky draw was still on cause you get front row seats if you win it. turned out we didn't need it cause bill's suprise for me was:
wicked tickets! fourth row :)
saturday night was steamboat/me&chen's birthday celebration
i, being the best youngest sister chen could possibly ever have, lovingly made a vegemite(chen's fav. food) cake for him. with whipped cream, crumpets and chocolate: [it was disgusting]
anyway, we ate a lot of food and watched public enemies
IT WAS BAD.[public enemies. not the food. melissa is never wrong with the food]
but overall i was a happy person
also went on a tour of carlton breweries and tasted beer.
list of melbourne food i ate
pei tan chok [century egg congee] supper inn-open till 2.30 am
salmon onigiri- union house melbourne uni
beef and mushroom rice noodles- saigon noodle melb uni
spring rolls+chargrilled chicken with broken rice- mekong ♥
baked eggs with bacon and mushroom- animal orchestra
steamboat buffet+birthday brunetti's blackforest cake- 老干妈
seafood buffet- margo's, crown
variety of stuff- noturno's
chicken rice- coconut house
peach sago- dessert house[they ran out of mango sago]
french toast- made by me!
sigh. disorganised post but here's a last photo:
27 July 2009
: )
anyway, i just read this:
basically, a little girl has been diagnosed with cancer and she needs to go to new york for treatment. but its really expensive so she needs all the help she can get.
as most of you know, the battle against cancer is something quite close to my heart so please donate.. :) details can be found here. every single donation counts and i can tell you, every person who had helped my family through the difficult times, i appreciate them, truly.
so... please help
26 July 2009
last few days of irresponsibleness
my last few days of being underage and being the youngest
i'm looking forward to growing up :)
met up with sean, watched bruno[SO NOT WORTH WATCHING]
saw kristy.
the first thing she said was OMG YOU'RE STILL THE SAME SIZE!
cue the -.- face.
anyway, we spent the day talking about the randomest things.
it was nice.
11 July 2009
like all i have is memories.
and nothing else
since when did it get so hard to live?
06 July 2009
05 July 2009
my grace is sufficient
with all i am, for you Lord
you hold my world in the palm of your hand
i really really thank god for looking after me this term
at the start of this term i resolved to go to church regularly. and i went for 2 weeks then i had stuff and school cropping up. but i still talked to Him regularly and basically, i decided i would commit myself into his hands again.
and He timed everything so nicely. like i decided i would look for a job and he gave me a nice one that fit into my timetable and didn't cut into my weekends [my friend couldn't find a job]. and after i got settled into my job, the derks came to sydney, [quite fun, hanging around them made me feel so much better] and then now, joanna's coming for the hillsong conference.
there's a lot of stuff that He managed to fit in for me nicely also but that's a very very long detailed story.
and i'm getting used to this place. somehow making it all work.
"Not at all," Draco enthused, in a jaunty voice. He patted Jason lightly on the shoulder, as he nudged him towards the fireplace. "Just checking to see if you understood what Harry Potter is capable of, is all. Horribly boring individual. Terrible conversationalist. S’got the personality of a door stop, really. But when it comes to aggressive magic, Jason," Draco paused, "there isn't another human on the planet to match him."
ahaha. i love fanfiction.net
03 July 2009
'laugh a lot , love all, live to the fullest, dream big, work hard, play harder'
i wrote that before going off to trinity.
to remind myself that these things in life are the things worth living for.
that life is not just about studying.
there's so much more to do
at the end of my life. i want to be able to tell God
"i managed to laugh, work, love, play, dream and best of all, i lived the life you gave me to the fullest"
i want to have no regrets.
so perhaps
i should be unafraid
as i was before.
26 June 2009
wishes and dreams
maybe it'll come true
cause God has 3 answers
yes, wait, no.
and so if your wish has been granted
you'll be happy
you should be
live it up and savour the moment
if it isn't and its gone the wrong way
don't be sad
don't be angry
just continue with life
but don't forget to keep wishing
if your answer has yet to come
then wait with me
you can sit beside me
we'll look at the stars
and keep waiting
24 June 2009
66% MG
2. [ ] You recall the founders day when the school was vandalized [eh?]
3. [x] You still believe Hock Seng recycles/d his straws
4. [x] You spent at least 1 year of your school life patronizing the red bowl stall [more than that]
5. [x ] You spent more pocket money on mayo chicken and hock seng’s snacks than recess itself [omg. yes. i still remember claire eating mayo chicken under mrs david's nose]
6. [ ] You had 5 ting xie books so as to avoid doing correction/getting parents signatures [i damn guai. always kena scolded for getting 0/20 for ting xie]
7. [x] You cut queue at the Yong Tao Foo stall [ahem. hungry lah]
8. [ ] You faked an injury to wear sandals to school
9. [x] You got away with your skirt being 1 inch too short [don't we all?]
10. [x] Your badge was never covering the pinafore bit, it was as low as you could get away with [who wears it high???]
11. [ ] You made every excuse to not change out of your PE attire
12. [x] Monday chapels were 1 hour nap time
13. [ ] You fainted at least once during school assembly
14. [ ] You always arrived late on Mondays to avoid the ‘read Chinese/MT books’ initiative in the quadrangle[again, i was guai]
15. [x] You played pepsi cola one two three in the linkway AHAHA
16. [x] The only hopscotch tiles you know are the ones in the concourse [always use our wallets]
17. [ ] You got upset by ‘Monkey Girls’ School’ [proud of it!]
18. [ ] You threatened a teacher that your parents will complain to XXX
19. [x] You remember Tuesday morning devotions with Mrs Tan
20. [x] You know what KAP and BTP stand for [2nd home]
21. [x] You got away with eating in class :D
22. [x] You have at least one good friend from GB :)
23. [x] You know where computer lab 4.1 is and you had classes in there
24. [ ] You remember when Maple Woods was just green grass [wth? how long ago was that??]
25. [x] You were one of the brats who was picked up by your mum/ahma everyday[only in primary school]
26. [ ] Alternatively, you got a lift from a friend whose mum/ahmad picked them up everyday
27. [x] You used the orange pay phone by the guardhouse regularly[hello? mum? yeah, done. k.]
29. [ ] You can’t remember the second and third verse of the school song [i doubt a true mg girl would forget the 2nd and 3rd verses...]
30. [x] You caused a chain of effect of screams because you saw a bug/lizard [all girls school... sigh]
31. [x] You miss the Touch Typing program offered in primary school [like it had any use?]
32. [x] You never understood why you had to plait your hair when the ponytail reached the collar [i thought its so that the tradition of french plaits would continue...]
33. [ ] You still wore coloured sports bra [again, note the guai-ness. i remember seow used to wear purple ones... ]
34. [x] You wore shorts under your pinafore on non-PE days[FBTs ftw]
35. [ ] Your class scared a male teacher away before
36. [x] You have at least three relatives who studied/are currently studying in MGS
37. [ ] Your mum was classmates with your teacher/classmates mum
38. [x] You wore jackets in school because it was ‘that’ cold
39. [x] You miss MGS canteen food [RED BOWL NOODLES.]
40. [ ] You had the fattest pencil case because it was stuffed with all those coloured pens and markers
41. [x] You still use the blue/black uni-ball ultra-fine 0.38 pen [i panic when its not in my pencil case]
42. [x] You still wear your House/PE t shirt occasionally [comfy!]
43. [ ] You almost gave the Home Econs teacher a heart attack
44. [x] There is a theme song from one of the camps or REW weeks that you still remember [i think...]
45. [x] You will send your daughter to MGS
46. [x] You’ve gone back at least once to visit after graduating
47. [x] Your class made a Lao Shi cry before [she cried herself! we didn't do anything]
48. [ ] Hock Seng used to call you by your house (address) number
49. [x] You wonder why we never actually had prom [founder's day instead...]
50. [x] You wish you could relive it all over again.
20 June 2009
job description
my job is translator+secretary+receptionist+waitress+dishwasher
all in all, a job at a chinese takeaway shop where the chef cannot speak english and the customers cannot speak chinese.
the order comes in in english. i have to write it down in chinese and give to the chef. 15 mins later, the food comes and i have to pack it and tell them 'here's your fish, rice and soup'. multiply by 20.
all we ever do is fight, fight and fight.
i'm tired.
19 June 2009

what do you see?
research shows that young children cannot see the couple because they have not been exposed to these sort of images. instead, they see 9 dolphins.
apparently, if you can't see the dolphins within 6 seconds, your mind is corrupted.
melissa/] says:
the teacher showed it to us in class
then she was like
all of you should have found the dolphins
and i think i was the only one who was still staring at the screen
{silent but violent} says:
melissa/] says:
still trying to figure out where the things were
so i concluded
i have a effing corrupted mind
{silent but violent} says:
u still can't see them?
which makes me wonder... either my mind is bad at optical illusions
or my mind is corrupted beyond God's good saving grace.
i'd rather believe that my mind is bad at this sortathing.
somehow i doubt so.
17 June 2009
i've got a mock job interview, a real job interview and a BBA test.
somehow, the bba test is the least of my worries.
i got 1 job offer. from a chinese takeaway shop. its good. cause i only have to work tuesdays and thursdays. and its near. the job interview i have tomorrow is for a cafe- the one i thought was an indian restaurant but apparently its a cafe run by indians. AHAHA.
i also had a job interview with gloria jean's. the interviewer was like
:'so what are your strengths?'
me:*blank*... er. MY SMILE?
15 June 2009
i've been sleeping at 5 am
waking up at 2 pm
and eating most of the time.
there. i said it.
i really need to get my life together.
13 June 2009
cause i am too damn bored in my room.
the only interested people were from the indian restaurant.
if i get a job there,
i will be a chinese working in an indian restaurant...
anyone thinks that's funny?
my mum does.
11 June 2009
08 June 2009
moulin rouge
its the only movie which i can tolerate that has a sad ending.
it always makes me cry. then again people who know me argue that i've cried for every movie that i've watched that. except like, simpsons?
because of all the glitz of the costumes and nicole kidman& ewan mcgregor, there is the tendency to brush it off as a hollywood romantic movie. yes, it may be that but look at what most adults are struggling with: balancing their work and family. ultimately, its down to what you want to place first. as my facilities lecturer said 'you think people who have finished their shift at work and battled 1 hour of peak traffic are going to go home and be model husbands?'
of course, in the movie, the choice between love and money is dramatised, its a dilemma, it seems unapplicable. but little choices we make each day build up to that effect.
another thing about the movie i find so thought provoking is the extent to which a human can love. when i reflect on gossip i hear about this and that and i hear friends telling me their stories and problems, i always am astonished at what a human being can go through in order to protect a person they love, be it a family member, a friend or something more. sometimes, i'm proud to call myself a human being.
i hope i'll always have the ability to cry at movies and not become cynical and jaded...
and so. the best thing you can take away from moulin rouge:
the most important thing you'll ever learn is to love, and be loved in return.
07 June 2009
a world which is not mine
a world i'm no longer part of
my driver's theory test is booked for next sunday
i'm so tired of changes, of uncertainity...
i don't want to be changing my address ever few months, flying here and there.
i want to curl up and sleep.
sleep for a very very long time.
then when everything's over, i'll wake up.
and everything will be alright again.
06 June 2009
missing ah
made me realise how much i missed her.
even though she drives me nuts
and all the albert house people.
like that SORHAI wai hoe of an ah kong
even though he annoys me to hell. really. like THROTTLES NECK
and jianfei and his chuck norris jokes and how he annoys me when i ask why is __ so late? and then he'll go BECAUSE NOT EARLY. ARGH
and grace who always tries to get me and bill to do something and she'll go WHOOOO. and you feel like killing her
or like kristy who is like damn perverted and you don't know whether to laugh, cry or stop listening to her
but i still miss everyone, even though they're idiots. and as cherm once said 'if you call the person idiot means love. heehee' and i think this picture best depicts it:

but every single memory i have of them, with them, i treasure...
03 June 2009
first 3 days of school
Rooms division class(housekeeping, etc):
ms roughley: ok, we're going to get everyone to tell us something that nobody in college knows.
XX: i teach spanish. well, i used to teach spanish. but 2 days ago i slept with my student.
-i had to rapidly translate this into chinese for the benefit of this chinese guy next to me. so i was like er... 他跟他学生睡觉... er. no... 上床? the guy was like OH.
buisness communication:
lecturer: who has never worked before?
only my hand goes up... AH! i'm not a rich kid ok? i've just been studying my whole damn life!
also. i happen to be the youngest in that class. the oldest is like 30+?
Hospitality(bar practical):
we tried 12 types of alcohol. and along the way learnt that monks and nuns distilled alcohol in the name of God. tried one that was named frangelico, the bottle is shaped like a MONK but seriously, its just wrong to have alcohol named after a order of monks... but having said that, it was quite nice... very nutty flavour.
another one goes by the name 'perfect love' made from violets and roses. it is a very nice lavander colour and smells lovely. Sounds like a perfect drink to order for your romantic date? it tastes like crap and another name for it is 'cream of virgin'. so don't.
my favourite one was one that was made from rasberries :)
more interesting stuff to come...
31 May 2009
short messages
reminds me of a quote:'i wish my homework was asexual. so it'll do itself '
sadly me clothes ain't so open. they're decidedly stubborn and refuse to fold itself nicely into the cupboard.
thank you everyone in singapore who met up with me!
short messages:
+melia: milly! it was really good to see you and your smile! thanks for going along with all my crazy ideas. WE WILL EAT DOWN HOLLAND V.!
+amanda ang: don't be so blur can? i'm convinced one day you really will walk into a pole. anyway, don't be so stressed over homework and life ok?
+claire: claireaireywaireyfairy-when are you actually going to volutarily hug me?! on my deathbed is it? must i go and die first before you'll think of it? sigh. oh well. i'll complain to you on msn and then you can rant to me about h3 music...
+jiaen: don't get so tan and stop reminding me in every sms/letter to stay off drugs, alcohol and sex. thanks for sitting with me at holland v and just chatting. :)
+staaacey: stace! spastic as ever. i have nothing else to say to you cause it'll come out lame. apparently, that's the only language you speak in-lameness
+shri: STUDY! please for the love of god, study for your a levels and let me know your sat results soon ok? but first and foremost, study, study and study!!!
+kityeng: yay! glad i saw you and thanks ever so much for the photo you gave me, the bible verses you wrote on the back give me a lot of unexpected strength when i need it :)
+dejin: HAHA. all i have to say is you really love your og a lot huh? thanks for the meeting up and all the best!
+grace(bimbo): love you! and keep me updated on your life k? haha. all the best for your As and i'll see you soon enough.:)
+anne: yes, we shall consciously change together, and we really must get the catholic, the presbyterian and the methodist all together! it never fails to amaze me that we're good friends considering you used to confiscate my story books during chinese. bleh. haha. :)
+7jamers: thanks for meeting up! love you guys and i really cannot thank all of you enough for the scrapbook you guys gave me with all those messages inside. i look at it a lot and it really keeps me going and i always laugh at the photos! cousins forever! p.s. watchie: i love the bag!! :D
+grandauntie mary: you won't read this but still, thank you so so much for the dresses! :D i still think you should have a granddaughter/daughter to dress up
+lesley.sia: woman! haha. you're terrible at breakfast. i think i'll see you next time at lunch or something. glad to know you've gotten over your horror of fbts.
+sean.gwee: AHAHA. see lah. too late dear. all i can do is bang my head against a pole until it bleeds then maybe as my deathwish i'll ask for the wedding then maybe you'll come to your senses. but oh well. say hi to chrystal for me.
+lydia.squeak: sigh. why do i have to find out through FACEBOOK that lydia low and christopher tang are in a relationship(9 comments)??? anyway, as long as you're happy and yup :)
+whoever i missed out: i love you guys and all the best for uni/alevels [delete accordingly] and always remember i'm like an email away! :D
i love singapore. what the fcuk am i doing in australia?
30 May 2009
mine was omg, i have too many clothes.
seriously, whoever said that a girl can't have too many clothes was so wrong.
the previous 2 sentences is not what i'd usually say. but trying to squash 2 boxes worth of clothes into a tiny tiny tiny closet kinda makes you realise maybe i should have left half a box at home. and bringing all those shoes ain't too good an idea...
i am really really at a loss as to how the previous occupant survived with a grand total of 6 hangers. i mean my previous room had like 50? i'll go down and see if the current occupant of my old room has some to spare.
sigh. i wish someone was here to help me unpack.
on a upside, ella's organised a get-together in town today so i'm going for it... only problem is how the heck i'm going to get back?!
28 May 2009
20 days in singapore
i wish i didn't have to go back.
to that dratted place.
i think i learnt the meaning of 'home is where your heart is' from this trip.
home is not where majority of my clothes are or where i can get the best shopping or the city i'm most familiar with or the weather is best. because based on these conditions, singapore falls short.
i guess you only appreciate the beauty of home when you start to live overseas...
for you i will
23 May 2009
emo post
in icms when i tell people what i think of certain things, like proceedures or sex after marriage or how work comes before personal life, they'll shake their head and tell me i'll change my mind after i've experienced more of this world, or as i get older.
and then i think to myself that i've gone through what they can only imagine, that i've pretty much delt with life more than they have, although they're much older than me, be it the koreans, china-chinese, aussies. whatever nationality they are, they always assume i'm what i am on the surface, a childish crazy annoying kid who gives the bunny-peace sign with her fingers given half the chance and is fascinated by a lot of things, who likes being a kid and is still a kid who doesn't have to worry about much.
one side of me may be that but there's also the other side of me who has to deal with reality and the cards life has dealt me. maybe they aren't so bad as what other people have, i mean i still have a roof over my head and an overseas education but there's some things money can't buy or repair. it can't buy my parent's and grandparent's health back, it can't buy me my singaporean friends to sydney, it can't buy the time i've missed with my sisters, it can't buy me the albertians in melbourne, it can't buy bill from melbourne to sydney. it can't buy me so many things that i've missed out on.
my point being, people aren't what they are on the surface. and today was a reminder that people have gone through a lot, i met with a friend and she seems on the outside a typical nice, rich, sheltered kid. but today i found out a lot about her and i really admire her for being so strong.
so i will be strong, and i will make full use of my situation. of my family, friends, personal situations. i will be strong :)
whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks, i'll be right there waiting for you
20 May 2009
haha. whoohoo.
2 distinctions, 2 credit and 1 pass.
aiyah, who cares about the pass.
i passed!
anyway, so far i've been enjoying my holiday in singapore. running around like a mad dog to see people. : D
i love love love this vacation and my sister[marianne insisted i put this in]
14 May 2009
really really busy these few days... i think i'm running around like a headless chicken. getting errands done, meeting friends and stuff. it seems like every part of my body has to be checked or something done to it.
oh well.
life has been ok.
and for that i'm grateful
i just can't help but think if you were here, it'll be perfect
04 May 2009
my cursor in 'I' mode blinks to the rhythym of 'poker face'
that's how bored i am...
anyway, hmm. OH. really good fusion of 2 songs, on the piano and cello, love story and viva la vida: click here [youtube] and the dad is so cool! he arranged it for his daughter... :D
i got tired of waiting
wondering if you would ever come around
my faith in you was fading
and i said romeo save me
i've been feeling so alone
i keep waiting for you but you never come
is this in my head?
i don't know what to think...
02 May 2009
waichie! and 7jam
YAY. she came all the way to see her darling dearest cousin right? WAICHIE?
i really enjoyed myself with her friends- xiangyi, annabel and EVIL [haha. no lah. it was debbie]
thank you for tolerating me and my nonsense!
and thank you waitchie for the idea notepad.[its damn cool. its for all my great ideas of all time. there's even a greatness scale and description place and stuff. i might have to get 10 of those things. i've already used up 5 sheets]
hmmm. what else was there... ah. too lazy.
go read rachel's blog although there's hardly a mention of me. HMPH.
happy birthday to 4 of the 9 jamers!
i had a GREAT IDEA. let you guys hear my idea. it ranks 8 on the greatness scale of my notepad
hopefully you guys will like it!
i've been addicted to it for quite sometime. but this week's episode caused me to blog because of CHASE'S BACHELOR PARTY!
i'm totally organising one.
it was damn cool...
for the house following people, house organised chase's bachelor's party. COOL RIGHT? like there was vodka, bourbon and scotch flovoured ice-cream[totally going on my list of things to do: make alcoholic ice cream. haha. and feed it to my sisters. watch them get drunk.] AHAHA.
mental note to self: do it when mum is out
then. WILSON got drunk. and 13 licked a stripper while foreman was laughing. SEE. interesting right?
anyway, the shot thing with strippers is also quite cool. erm what happened is... M18 and considering certain people read my blog, i will refrain from saying exactly what happens. just go watch house season 5 ep 22.
i'm also addicted to the song that they played during chase's bachelor party. its quite club-ish. anyway, i downloaded it so you can ask me for it. as to legal or illegal, i'm not saying.
today i had exams, crazy right? saturday also want to torture us. i have another one in a few hours time...
sigh. gotta go study for it.
27 April 2009
short note
on a side note, i've started reading fruits basket all over again! [background noise of me fainting over yuki and kyo] heheh
exams are coming
and everyone is mugging
except for... ME!
students are trembling
in fear of failing
except for... ME!
i will start studying today. at 2.30
supposedly. heheh
GPA 4.0 here i come!
actually, i think i'll be happy with 3.5 and above :)
13 April 2009
went over to melbourne for easter :D thank you mum & dad
haha. went to eat everywhere...
saw the guys dota (you guys suck, lose after 1st round)
talked to cherm and kaii (and cherm chased me out of her room when i had my shoes on)
talked a bit to lydia (AHAHA.)
slacked around a lot
all in all, it was a good weekend :D
08 April 2009
i just feel so mixed up right now.
ah. i want all of this to go away.
easter will cure my mind...
06 April 2009
of late night revelries
you can't always be here for me, although you did promise...
i miss you
the reason i am very amused is because i had an interesting phone conversation. with the least expected person. and it was a very enjoyable conversation. old friend that i haven't spoken to in 9 months, yet we talked for 3 hours...
it was funny because i was so tired and yet we talked from 3 am to 6 am
maybe i won't be in your life for a season.
saturday's function was a gemmology society graduation thingy and we had to work, part of our assessment. i arrived at 3 pm and we ended at 1 am. amazing eh? can't believe that i did that, we all did. anyway, so today, i couldn't get out of bed because i was aching that badly, had to call erica and ask her to help me buy an ultimate double whopper. :D
03 April 2009
life & hooters with old people
manda, anne, ty, claire...
somehow i just need to know life's stable.
that the friends i've know for 10 years are still the same
and give the usual mumbo-jumbo advice to life's problems
and meddle with their love life
its odd how certain things have changed.
like we were all brought up in the same environment
look at how different we turned out.
new friends are good
old friends are better : )
but i still love the AH people.
haha. maybe i've used up my quota of close and true friends
like the kind i know i can depend upon.
so that's why i can't find any here.
there's a saying, if you want a friend, be a friend
maybe i'm just too tired to go and be one.
on a lighter, less emo note,
i have to submit a proposal for a restaurant set up in manly
and i asked bill for ideas
"help. i need a restaurant idea for manly"
"oh ok.... what does manly have then?"
"sun, sea, sex, sand? don't like beach theme though"
"ok so there's just sea. and sex....
how about... hooters?"
seriously, can guys ever stop thinking about girls in hot pants and tank tops???
i still haven't gotten a good idea yet.
i'm begining to think maybe hooter's might be a good idea
except for the fact that tourists that come here may be
...little old ladies
who decide 'oh my goodness gracious me, that place looks very lively. let's go there shall we?' but without their specs they can't see nuts until they arrive at the doorstep and the hostess greets them, then they may get a heart attack when they see her enormous perky bossom.
...and perverty old men.
then skarlley later all my waitresses zhao-ed because of sexual harrasment. like the perverty old men want to feel young again. so they go and take viagra before entering hooters. and then they rape my waitresses...
THEN HOW??? i will have to perform like, a zillion CPRs and a zillion more job interviews...
better not...
31 March 2009
interesting: disney repeat video
anyway, not that i blame disney or anything. cause i think they're the best thing ever. until i came :D
they'll need like 1000 cheorographers and stuntmen if they never repeat sequences....
don't ask me why i was as bored as to google i am bored
Imagine you're a happy grasshopper for a moment, joyfully kissing your grasshopper wife and kids goodbye as you leave the house, tiny briefcase in hand, ready to hop to work for the day.
Suddenly, on your way to the office, a sudden urge overtakes you, an urge that cannot be ignored. You obediently follow the siren song to the nearest body of water, and promptly fling yourself in. For weeks afterward, your widowed wife and friends will wonder what could have possibly made a perfectly happy and content grasshopper tragically commit suicide, by drowning no less. Depression? An affair gone wrong? Crushing gambling debts? No, it turns out it was just another strike from the soulless and evil menace known as the horsehair worm.
Resembling a coarse, thick horse hair (well, duh) the horsehair worm infiltrates insects, and sometimes even crabs, as a larva when the insect drinks tainted water. From inside the aforementioned grasshopper, the worm goes to work.
It weasels its way into the body cavity, and nourishes itself on the insect's tissues, sometimes growing up to a foot long. After a time, when the worm has matured, it starts to get horny, as teenagers do, and decides that the time has come to find himself a sexy mate. The problem is, all of the sexiest female worms hang out at the swimming pool club, and he's stuck inside of a prudish grasshopper.
That's a problem easily and dickishly solved by the horsehair worm, however, by simply reprogramming the insect's brain to seek out the nearest body of water and to hop right in, despite the sad fact that grasshoppers, like many other insects, can't swim.
As his former host panics and gasps its last breaths of sweet life, the worm casually slithers out of its anus, bids adieu to the drowning grasshopper and swims in search of the orgies of knotted up worms he's heard so much about
omg. i totally am compassionate toward grasshoppers right now.
doddery-ness. and crap
but i didn't get that same feeling of relief.
maybe because the question was like
"describe your worst service encounter and analyse"
haha. piece of cake compared to HOI: here
anyway, referencing was also freakin easy. like you don't have to have 20 different sources. and at least all your sources are ALIVE and not part of the air that you breathe[socrates would be fully decomposed now right?]
i like hoi
maybe when i get old and doddery with a sprained back because i polished too much cutlery, i'll go teach hoi.
then i can actually say 'i was alive when obama got elected...'
'and when i was young, britney spears' songs were on cassette tapes'
'and here is the very first nano ipod that videos could be watched on'
and then all the students will gasp at my ancient-ness
anyway, are you suprised i can churn out so much crap after i just did 1.5k words of polished crap that is called an academic essay?
i am :D
30 March 2009
best commercials
melissa's picks for the best commercials ever!
i've only got 3 here.
but i'll definitely put more up when i see it
please give me the link if you see a funny one too!
most heartwarming:
best ad to show teenagers:
best ad to be proud of sg:
anyway, i am blogging cause i have an essay due :D
melissa the procrastinator
also, most awesome person you'll ever see XD
review on albert house
its the people that make the place, not the building or the food. if you're an extremely picky eater or someone who must be surrounded in exquiste architecture, this is not the place for you. in fact, don't even bother considering any of the boarding places. Get your own apartment and cook your own meals.
however, if you are like the rest of us, albert house is totally fine. Sure you only have 700mbs to use each month for internet but you can go on the 1gig plan or buy some more/ kope from someone else. food is not spectacular but you won't be malnourished or anything. Uncle andrew will give you anything you ask for, within reason.
albert house will teach you
-tolerance [trust me, there's a lot of unreasonable people in this world]
-how to cook using only a microwave and a rice cooker
-how to hold your alcohol
-how to sew your own shirt button when it falls off [or you can ask someone else. NICELY]
-how to vaccum your room
-a lot of invaluable life lessons
looking back, i'm grateful for it. really blessed :D
28 March 2009
live to learn, learn to live
my hands smell of onions
my hair smelt of pizza until i washed it 3 times
my rings constantly have to be taken off. and i still put them back on cause i feel weird without them
my 2 chefs jackets are stained a very festive red(tomato paste[pizza]) and green(avocado salad)
yet i still love working in the kitchens.
i've learnt a lot already, like cracking an egg with one hand (i can do 2 eggs at one time). and how to extract an avocado from its skin, seedless (KNS, the *bleep* thing is so *bleep* soft, damn difficult to keep in one piece.)
i really like learning this kind of stuff.
like how to carry 3 plates in 1 hand[i pawn!!!] and making coffee and stuff like that.
recently received an email from a friend.
call the person em
so. em was confused and asked a lot of questions.
1 in particular struck me:
"They say that it is the decisions we make which define who we really are. So does that mean that if I make selfish decisions, I’m a selfish person?"
i never really thought of myself as a particularly selfish person
i'll give up my time, sometimes money, and usually i do help out when asked
yet when i look at my recent major life decisions, i can't help but think that i'm a very selfish person. i leave family and friends just to pursue a future possible thing. all the excuses are gone, only the immense guilt of spending my parents money remains.
the only thing i have left to comfort myself is that they would want me to be happy... right?
24 March 2009
being my nosey matchmaking self
i'm happy today :)
cause i've just learnt of 2 budding relationships.
and coming from the mouth of the involvees no less!
haha. it always makes me feel nice, like the world's a better place.
one is shaw, he likes his flatmate, michelle.
and they are as he puts it, 慢慢来.
shaw! 好好追她!
and the other, i cannot say. i only will say that if i were my 16 year old self i definitely would have had a crush on him... his piano playing= swoonable. and considering i've seen claire play,(not that i think about claire that way, but i'm just saying) its quite good. violin and guitar are no problem for him. and he can speak 5 languages fluently.
the girl is very sweet and i like her a lot even though i've only spoken to her a few times.
yay, nice couple. :)
but anyway, claire! you're still the best piano player i know!
22 March 2009
i used to think it meant you live in a different country. but apparently, australia is one huge country and i know people who live in 2 seperate states.
like how many actually end up together after all that.
cause according to my psych textbook, the top three conditions for a relationship to start are geographical, similar interest and something else... ah well, you can't expect me to remember can you? especially since i read that damn thing once, the night before final exams. HAHA
in my group alone, there's lily, jack, kim(she sees him every weekend but they still live in different areas), johannes and me.
on a side note, all of us are dating people older than us, including the guys, not sure about johannes though.
and johannes was driving us and we were having a conversation about all of the relationships and i felt either really mature or really bad.
kim's giving up her career to be with her bf
johannes' gf is moving from NZ to be with him
pan also wants to settle down, when she meets the right guy
lydia wants to marry and can feel her biological clock ticking
eric's going to propose when he graduates
all these crazy people are 19+
and i'm this 17 year old thinking to myself 'you study for 3 years and want to throw it all away'
my vision of myself in 5 years is definitely not a stay home mum
its me, a career woman, making a ton of money, maybe considering marriage but definitely not married yet.
is it the singaporean mentality that we all put careers before personal life?
a bit confusing.
but oh well
i'm only 17
to put it into perspective, romeo and juliet decided they'd rather die than go on without each other at fifteen
crazy teenage hormones, unchanged since 1800
anyway, i'm off to help out with a function. there's never a dull day in hospitality... even on a freakin sunday. oops, sabbath. sorry God. can't go to church today..
oh yeah, i got 80% for my fine dining serving thingo.
i guess i'm ok with it...
21 March 2009
just another day
there's a function coming up on sunday, raising money for the victorian bushfire... i think that'll be quite fun, but i can't go near any alcoholic booths. : (
actually, i'm n0t that fond of alcohol, i just think that bartender would be nice to add to my list of achievements :)
it sucks being underage most of the time
anyway, finished GDR, got around $40 in tips, for 6 meals that i served.
not bad mannn...
06 March 2009
went out shopping yesterday, johannes drove pan, kim, lydia and me to warringah mall.
it was nice sitting in his car even though he's quite a scary driver.
blasted 4 minutes damn loud, like those pimp cars.
for the first time since i came here, i felt alive again.
went with lydia to sydney city itself. bought a pair of flats, since my $12 ones are falling to bits. those $12 ones were my first pair, black. somehow when i bought those 3 years ago, life seemed a lot simpler.
like all i had to worry about was my marks, even that i didn't bother worrying about.
everyday was constant
everyday was fun.
everything had its place
i'm fifteen for a moment,
caught in between ten and twenty
and i'm just dreaming...
fifteen, there's still time for you
Time to buy and time to lose
fifteen, there's never a wish better than this
-100 years
02 March 2009
this is pure sad
i'm 17 and i have no life.
like i rot in my room on weekends
without doing anything.
take me away from here. anywhere. i don't care
01 March 2009
hey mel!
The merlion was struck by lightning
then how?
like is it destroyed or something?
just heard from chinese teacher
i'll go check later
maddy says there's a hole in it
I caught a black widow!
me too
maddy didn't
congrats to the 2 of us!
and she is very sad that rui en didn't get nominated for star awards!
maddy saw what i wrote
there's nothing here maddy
and in a seperate convo window...
do not listen to marianne lim's crap
cause she's such a crapper -.-
yo mel listen to my crap
you can check the website if you want but RUI EN IS NOT NOMINATED!
i miss the both of you
but seriously, how the heck does the half fish half lion thing survive not getting struck by lightning after so long???27 February 2009
Put an X in every box that applies to you.
Add up all the x`s and title subject with the sum as "My marriage age is__"
[x] You know how to make a pot of coffee
[x] You keep track of dates using a calendar
[x] You own more than one credit card
[ ] You know how to change the oil in a car
[x] You do your own laundry
[ ] You vote every election
[x] You can cook for yourself
[ ] You think politics are exciting
[ ] You balance your own checkbook
[ ] Your parents have better things to say than your friends
Total: 5
[ ] You show up for school/college/work every day early.
[ ] You always carry a pen in your pocket/purse
[x] You've never gotten a detention
[x] You have never smoked a cigarette
[x] You have never gotten completely trashed
[] You have forgotten your own birthday at least once
[x] You like to take walks by yourself
[x] You've watched talk shows.
[x] You know what 'credibility' means without looking it up
[] You drink coffee[caffiine] at least once a week.
Total: 11
[x] You know how to do the dishes.
[x] You can count to 10 in another language.
[x] When you say you're going to do something you do it.
[ ] My parents trust me
[ ] You can mow the lawn
[x] You can make adults laugh without being stupid
[ ] You remember to water the plants
[ ] You study when you have to
[ ] You pay attention at school/college
[x] You remember to feed your pets
Total: 16
[x] You can spell 'experience' without looking it up.
[ ] You work out on a regular basis.
[x] You clean up your own mess
[ ] The people at Starbucks know you by name
[ ] Your favorite kind of food is take out
[x] You have gained weight since middle/high school
[ ] The first thing you do when you wake up is get caffeine
[ ] You can go to the store without getting something you don't need
[ ] You understand political jokes the first time they are said
[ ] You can type quickly
Total: 19
[ ] You have realized that the weather forecast changes every hour
[ ] Your only friends are from your place of employment
[ ] You have been to a Tupperware party
[X] You have realized that no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job
[ ] You have more bills than you can pay
[ ] Most of all your friends are older than you are
[x] You can say no to staying out all night
[x] You use the internet every day
[ ] Your wardrobe hasn't changed in a while
[x] You can read a book and actually finish it
cafe experience
no longer tgif for me now... i have no life
anyway, today was the last day my group, 3B, works at the cafe.
next stop is the grand dining room, GDR, where we serve outside guests.
i will miss the cafe. i'm especially attached to the coffee machine. total love :). i was so afraid of it last time but now, we get along...
i passed my coffee test, 16/20! not bad for someone who 2 weeks ago couldn't make instant coffee to save her life. honestly, i knew so little about it, like the difference between a cappacino and a latte. i'm a barista! haha. but still a noob one, sadly. can't be good at everything... i'm too intelligent :(
anyway, passing over my total understatement there, i think its been a good experience working behind the counter. i'm so used to being served as opposed to serving.
10 February 2009
irony and nonsense
you know one of those uber ironic things like how you can die for your country[NS] but not vote for your government at 18?
i've got one here now. i can serve alcohol as of 28th feb but i can't drink it yet. damn ironic, i find. i'll be taking responsible service of alcohol [rsa] which is a class that tells you not to serve alcohol to drunk people. after that, i can actually work in a bar or something like that. amazing right?
anyway, i have effing long days now. i start at 10, have lessons until 2. lunch is served from 12-1.30. so what do i do? i scoff down my food in 3 mins and risk being late for the next class. same goes for dinner, i have lessons from 4-8, dinner's only served between 6-7.30.
i guess its all part of the training. still. OH. i got an infrigment of rules notice for not changing my bedsheets. the system here is that they provide you with linen, you drop it off on tuesday, latest 11 am and you get a new clean set. i forgot to drop it of and at 12 am i was notified by email that i have a frickin infrigment. most of the others also got it. i am reminded why i dislike discipline once again, you have to do things that you think are total nonsense.
07 February 2009
every single day i start classes latest 10 and end earliest 7.30
and there are hardly any breaks....
on the upside [for me at any rate], i get to spend a lovely 8 hours in the kitchen each week :D
i totally cannot wait. YAY. cooking is a hell lot better than sitting in lectures.
i hope my practical timetable is nice too :)
there's thunder now
wishing you were here.
06 February 2009
i'll be really grateful to have a few albert house peeps with me now. like to play mahjong or something.
05 February 2009
25 random things
i have nothing to blog about so therefore i'm going to attempt it
here goes: [25 random things about me]
1.when i was a kid, i used to think houses with chandeliers were damn rich. i think subconsiously still do.
2. i love food. i eat most things, the only i don't want to try is baloot [half-formed chicken foetus still in its shell] and dog meat. if i find out you fed it to me, to quote bill "I will screw u upside down till nt even ur mommy recognises you"
3. i get jealous really easily.
4. i'm loyal. i once liked a guy for 3 years
5. my first word was duck
6. i named both my sisters. my parents didn't get a say in it. funny story. ask me about it.
7. you know how when people are surprised or recieve something really sweet, it warms their heart or some crap? the spine of my lower back tingles instead. so far, only 1 person has managed to do that to me.
8. i miss albert house people. cause i feel very comfortable around them and they're accepting
9. i take pleasures in the simple things in life. like an unexpected phone call from a friend will make my day or finding a fresh flower on the ground or buying an unusual pen.
10. i loved usa07 trip with 7jam. vegas baby, vegas!
11. my K2 chinese handwriting is better than my now chinese handwriting [according to my chinese teacher anyway]
12. i was really reluctant to come to icms. its a new feeling. i was good with going to mebourne
13. my first impressions of people are generally quite accurate
14. for trinity term 3 drama, i had to say 'divorce'[DI-vorce] and i pronouce it 'DIE-vorce'. my teamates spent at least a few hours correcting me. GOD.
15. my alcohol tolerance has improved significantly during the last year. thanks for all the free whiskey!
16. i wear contact lenses at night. and take them off in the day. they're called ortho-k lenses
17. i am this age
18. [i will not do the lame thing by putting i am turning this age]. i have an extra piece of skin on my right ear. i'm impressed by people who notice it.
19. i cannot tolerate stupidity/slowness of the mind. really. its the one thing that makes me have this sudden urge to throttle their neck
20. i think whiteboards are nicer than blackboards.
21. i know how to swear in 9 languages and dialects. [english, mandarin, cantonese, hokkien, punjabi, thai, bahasa indonesian, tagalog, french.] i'm working on the korean, jap and vietnamese people to tell me. [they refuse to cause they think its bad for me. hey. if i know it in 9 languages, how's knowing a few more going to hurt?]
22. i think roses are overrated. i guess they're pretty but i don't see why they are used to express love. oh and i think a bottle of folded stars is really quite stupid. it may be sweet to some people but honestly, what can you do with it? and refer to point 19.
23. my main motivation to get rich is not that i can enjoy the good things that money can offer[that's a slight motivation] but so that i can use it to help others if the need arises cause when i was young my mum always pointed out all the charity work rich people did and always said 'that's why you must work hard, so you can give back'. i think its quite true.
24. i'm petite. not short or small or dwarfish or whatever. petite.
25. one of these facts is false. see whether you can tell which one.
04 February 2009
fill in the blanks with vulgarities and obscenities
[bonus points if they're not in english]
let's go.
so, today i woke up ___ early to meet my parents at sydney mainland cause to get from sydney to manly you have take a ferry that's ___ 35 mins or drive.
and we were in a ___ rush cause i had to be in the college by 1.30
and went i reached the dock, the ferry was there.
but the ___ gate was ___ closed early. ___!
as a result, i missed my chef uniform fitting [don't laugh. i will sent my very sharp knife through your head and feed your parents cranuim a la de bambino, if i don't pwn you at cooking first...]
and so i have to go back to ___ sydney, where their shop is. like by ___ tomorrow
02 February 2009
cny and other things on my mind
so, here goes:
i wasn't too excited about cny this year, for some odd reason.
i mean it was good to see my mum's side of the family, kinda rare, since i see my dad's side every single sunday for dinner.
reunion dinner food was damn good.
lohei, cold crab & suckling pig.
god. its good. cold crab <3
that was with my dad's side. like cny eve dinner. anyway, my sisters played with sparklers and stuff. i got bored and read a book. somehow, somewhere, sparklers lost their magical-ness. or maybe i lost my fascination with it.
its a pain in the arse, growing up. i wish i still retained that childlike wonder.
next morning went back to dad's side, greeted relatives whom i don't know.
and all that.
collected angpaos.
explained my education status to them
basically, small talk.
it was so clear that i'd rather be playing with my new ipod[its purple! nano! total <3] and they'd rather be sleeping/eating/doing something that's at least interesting.
went to my mum's side for dinner
totally love them.like the 9 jamers and the 2nd cousins and my uncles who are barely 10 years older than me [one was on his honeymoon]
gambled with uncle gerald. lost $10 playing tai di. [not me, all of us 9 jamers]
that was so fun.
took a photo with my fav. grandaunt mary.
as well as a lot of people.
got new additions to the family this year.
collected a few more ang paos the next day and that kind of sums it up.
anyway, on a side note, i've been working on my family tree for 3 years now and some parts i still haven't sorted out. but i have a lot of grandaunties and uncles so yeah.
it'll have to be put on hold until i get back again
i have no idea what i'm doing
i shifted from an environment i've been in for practically my whole life [mg 10 years, gb 9 years, chinese tuition 12 years, started when i was in K1, singapore 16 years]
then i shifted from melbourne, where i was just getting comfortable.
to manly. and i can safely say i dislike this place.
i'm one of the few south east asians around here.
i feel so out of place.
there's like 60% aussies and 10% americans
and the majority of the minority are like swedish, norway, uk people.
God, help me.