31 January 2009

greetings from manly

anyway, I'M IN SYDNEY!
woohoo. in manly.

extract from an email i sent cause i'm too lazy to type what i already typed again :D

i'm typing this from the com lab & god i love my room.

its like the closest to the stairs, bathroom & com lab, as well as one of the bigger ones. YAY


its [the campus] really pretty and its quite multi-racial. as i speak i have a german next to me and there's an aussie in front of me and a hk guy showed us in.
apparently, its 50% aussie, 20% korean[this part i don't know how true cause it was another year person saying this] and the 30% are a mix.

i hope there are a few sg and malaysians here.
it would be a lot more comforting.

manly is quite a nice place, holiday destination beach type.
its also super ex
$16 for pasta. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN.. and my bank account, along the way. please?

nicole kidman and keith urban got married here[YAY, liwen said hopefully they'll renew their vows soon. omg! how cool would that look on my resume:

graduate of trinity college, university of melbourne [2008]
graduate of ICMS-Macquarie University [20something]

served at renewation of Keith Urban & Nicold Kidman's wedding vows [20something]

HOW AWESOME IS THAT?! definitely not more awesome than me though. :D

i was exploring the place and there's a wedding going on here now. as well as this tree stump thingy which has all these directions of the different countries nailed to it.

i found singapore, 6000 km ++ away, pointing northish.

i blew a kiss in the direction it indicated singapore was in.
for maddy and marianne
for the 9jamers
for the muskeeters
for the friendships made and pleasures shared.
for you

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